Known around here
Thanks @mikeynags figured it out it seems i didn't have Allow other computers to sync to this computer.
To be fair post #10 but Whoaru99 mentioned this

Thanks @mikeynags figured it out it seems i didn't have Allow other computers to sync to this computer.
To be fair post #10 but Whoaru99 mentioned this![]()
Do I have to change inbound/outbound rules and if so what would the setting look like for anyone that did this?
Shut off windows firewall it works. Turn it on but exclude nettime.exe and won't work. What settings will allow this to work with nettime?
You may want to read through all of the posts to this topic and try again.
NTP time servers work within the TCP/IP suite and rely on User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port 123. If turning off Windows Firewall resolves your issue then you need to configure Windows Defender Firewall to allow UDP port 123. I'm not certain if you need to open an inbound or an outbound port on your NetTime server...I'd open both ports: inbound and outbound...
Create an Inbound Port Rule (Windows 10)
Did you confirm there is Windows firewall rule allowing incoming connections to port 123? I had to make that a rule on my W10 machine.
FWIW, there isn't any need to wait a long time to see if it works. Just change the NTP update interval in one of your cameras to a couple minutes.
it seems to work but just want to check with pros here if this was necessary or leaves you open to any vulnerabilities
Well then. I'm not a pro. But I do know that unless you've exposed a machine on your LAN to the internet by port forwarding (or allowed Universal Plug & Play UPnP to open a WAN port) you've more to worry about from a Phishing expedition than opening a NTP local port.