I need the Bud Light of cameras


Mar 15, 2022
Bud Light may not be the best of beers, but it's safe and consistent. I've been reading the forums and the more I read the more confused I get. I'm convinced that I need to just buy SOMETHING and take it from there, but what to buy...?

From a requirements perspective, I'm really only looking for something to put around a vacation rental house. I'm less concerned with identifying burglars than I am with making sure Spring Breakers aren't tearing the place up. I currently have a Reolink system (yeah, I know...) that works pretty well when it works. But it's been pretty unreliable and I'm ready to replace and upgrade. I ordered a computer and switch, and will be loading up Blue Iris. Now I just need cameras... The house is 3-story, and currently has Reolink B400's mounted under the eaves in the front (covering the front yard) and the back (covering the pool area and deck). I also have B400's looking at the front door and two in the back yard looking at the house. I'm pretty happy with the coverage, but I would eventually like to expand some of the coverage.

So, I guess the question is that if I've been pretty happy with the images I get from the B400 (when they work), does anyone have suggestions on what to start with for a Blue Iris system? I'm okay with getting middle-of-the-road at this point, something that performs fairly well but not perfect in most situations, because I need some real-world frame of reference before I can get better at this. I feel like a toddler here...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions to help get me over the hump.
@sebastiantombs and/or @wittaj will be along soon to make some very good suggestions about some great cams.....I think both those guys have their info bookmarked so they can copy & paste it for you. :cool:
Well fixed lens cameras installed on a 3rd story will never IDENTIFY as all the IDENTIFY distance is lost vertically.

If you truly don't care about IDENTIFY and want more of a look-see around with better quality than the reos you have now, I would go with this one:

Just keep in mind this is truly a budget camera and is not the ideal MP/sensor ratio, but would be fine for overview cams on a budget.

And then when you decide you want to IDENTIFY, come back here for those recommendations.
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What @wittaj said is pretty much it. From the 3rd story I would probably go with the 3.6mm version of the camera, to get a little closer, but it depends on what you want to do. The reviews on Amazon say "Great night vision!" It is, compared to your eyes, but it absolutely sucks compared to other cameras that are recommended on here at about twice that price. I have two of those with the 3.6 mm lens, among numerous others, and they work fine. Not the best, but they do work.

For night vision sensor size is king, and the two cameras linked above have 1/2.8" sensors. Yes, sensor size, for some damned reason, is stated as a fraction. Better night vision requires a larger sensor, like 1/1.8".

Don't get taken by high megapixel cameras - they suck at night, compared to others - more pixels, less light per pixel, worse night vision.
Bud Light may not be the best of beers, but it's safe and consistent. I've been reading the forums and the more I read the more confused I get. I'm convinced that I need to just buy SOMETHING and take it from there, but what to buy...?

From a requirements perspective, I'm really only looking for something to put around a vacation rental house. I'm less concerned with identifying burglars than I am with making sure Spring Breakers aren't tearing the place up. I currently have a Reolink system (yeah, I know...) that works pretty well when it works. But it's been pretty unreliable and I'm ready to replace and upgrade. I ordered a computer and switch, and will be loading up Blue Iris. Now I just need cameras... The house is 3-story, and currently has Reolink B400's mounted under the eaves in the front (covering the front yard) and the back (covering the pool area and deck). I also have B400's looking at the front door and two in the back yard looking at the house. I'm pretty happy with the coverage, but I would eventually like to expand some of the coverage.

So, I guess the question is that if I've been pretty happy with the images I get from the B400 (when they work), does anyone have suggestions on what to start with for a Blue Iris system? I'm okay with getting middle-of-the-road at this point, something that performs fairly well but not perfect in most situations, because I need some real-world frame of reference before I can get better at this. I feel like a toddler here...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions to help get me over the hump.

Hi @PapiMike

What is your function requirements?
Capture sunsets?
Watch parking spot, if a car is parket?
See if trash cans were picked up?
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Thanks for the replies and suggestions!

Since this is just for a vacation rental, I'm most concerned with things like @mat200 mentioned. Watching for trash pickup, making sure the parking isn't overloaded, sometimes watching the guests arrive so I can make sure there are actually adults with them, etc. I also pull them up if I get a call from a neighbor about parties, so I can see generally what's going on. I actually caught one guy jumping off the 3rd floor balcony railing into my 4' pool. Good thing he was belly-flopping...
Thanks for the replies and suggestions!

Since this is just for a vacation rental, I'm most concerned with things like @mat200 mentioned. Watching for trash pickup, making sure the parking isn't overloaded, sometimes watching the guests arrive so I can make sure there are actually adults with them, etc. I also pull them up if I get a call from a neighbor about parties, so I can see generally what's going on. I actually caught one guy jumping off the 3rd floor balcony railing into my 4' pool. Good thing he was belly-flopping...

Hi @PapiMike

3 stories up and mounted in the soffit, with your use case .. i would look for a 8MP larger sensor model varifocal camera .. 3 stories up means you ideally want the ability to adjust your FOV to get the appropriate coverage so far away ..

A 2.8mm or even 3.6mm lens imho will be too wide of a FOV to get decent details that high up for me.
At three stories up a 6mm lens would be the minimum I'd recommend. Varifocals are even better since they generally go to 12mm or so. That applies to a camera used for overview only. As has been mentioned already there will be no positive identification from that height unless they're bald and have a name or number tattooed on their heads.

5442 Reviews

Review - Loryata (Dahua OEM) IPC-T5442T-ZE varifocal Turret

Review - OEM IPC-B5442E-ZE 4MP AI Varifocal Bullet Camera With Starlight+

Review-OEM 4mp AI Cam IPC-T5442TM-AS Starlight+ Turret

Review IPC-T5442TM-AS-LED (Turret, Full Color, Starlight+)

Review: IPC-HDBW5442R-ASE-NI - Dahua Technology Pro AI Bullet Network Camera

2231 Review
Review-OEM IPC-T2231RP-ZS 2mp Varifocal Turret Starlight Camera

3241T-ZAS Review

Less expensive models -
Bud Light may not be the best of beers, but it's safe and consistent. I've been reading the forums and the more I read the more confused I get. I'm convinced that I need to just buy SOMETHING and take it from there, but what to buy...?

From a requirements perspective, I'm really only looking for something to put around a vacation rental house. I'm less concerned with identifying burglars than I am with making sure Spring Breakers aren't tearing the place up. I currently have a Reolink system (yeah, I know...) that works pretty well when it works. But it's been pretty unreliable and I'm ready to replace and upgrade. I ordered a computer and switch, and will be loading up Blue Iris. Now I just need cameras... The house is 3-story, and currently has Reolink B400's mounted under the eaves in the front (covering the front yard) and the back (covering the pool area and deck). I also have B400's looking at the front door and two in the back yard looking at the house. I'm pretty happy with the coverage, but I would eventually like to expand some of the coverage.

So, I guess the question is that if I've been pretty happy with the images I get from the B400 (when they work), does anyone have suggestions on what to start with for a Blue Iris system? I'm okay with getting middle-of-the-road at this point, something that performs fairly well but not perfect in most situations, because I need some real-world frame of reference before I can get better at this. I feel like a toddler here...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions to help get me over the hump.
You have Reolinks mounted under the eve of a 3 story house. Why? :facepalm:
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Yeah. People come here after they've made their mistakes looking for solutions. :)
Hell I bought a Piece o chit Nightowl 16 DVR, thinking I was "upgrading" the Condos Old Ass " EyeMAx PC with 2 gb ram and a 500GB WD green with B&W 480p cams. To a Swann 2mp AHD color camera.
Only to come to the conclusion that IP was only way forward in a changing World.
Just yesterday I purchased one of them new fangled Andy Auto Track PTZ's HNR whatever the fuck # it is
Come a long way Baby! and I'm still a NEWB! :banghead:
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So after you walk into your house and find it torn to shreds and your most valuable items stolen... Now you can watch the footage of people walking into your house like observing ants from the top of the empire state building? Fantastic investment.

yes, i'm a smart ass

Your replies to this thread stand in stark contrast to the useful and friendly replies given by everyone else. I'm not sure why you felt the need to belittle rather than help, but I hope you work it out.
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Yeah. People came here after they've made their mistakes looking for solutions. :)
Hell I bought a Piece o chit Nightowl 16 DVR, thinking I was "upgrading" the Condos Old Ass " EyeMAx PC with 2 gb ram and a 500GB WD green with B&W 480p cams. To a Swann 2mp AHD color camera.
Only to come to the conclusion that IP was only way forward in a changing World.
Just yesterday I purchased one of them new fangled Andy Auto Track PTZ's HNR whatever the fuck # it is
Come a long way Baby! and I'm still a NEWB! :banghead:

Exactly right. I went the NVR route with the Reolinks, and have come to conclusion that they aren't the right choice for NOW. That said, they DO actually do everything I need them to, even from the eaves 3 stories up! The problem is reliability and quirkiness of the client app. PLUS, I'm now more willing to put in the time it'll take me to learn more and tune Blue Iris. My NOW choice is different than it was 2 years ago.

I really appreciate the comments and suggestions. I bought one each of the suggestions above, and will play with them "in the lab" and learn more before purchasing the balance of what I need. I'll be going through the reviews @sebastiantombs posted, as well. Thanks, and here's what I ordered:

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I think you'll like both of them, especially at night, compared to the Reolink.

What people don't find out, until it's too late, about Reolink and other low end systems is that they are proprietary, the firmware is designed to provide a nice still picture that looks really good but when motion happens, especially at night, it's a blur or the motion gets missed entirely. Those nice still pictures are possible because the shutter, exposure time, is very long. That results in blur rendering motion video totally useless.

No camera that works well is a plug and play device. Each one needs to be tuned to the location it is observing. That means adjusting everything, brightness, contrast, saturation, gain, exposure compensation, white balance, shutter (exposure) and so on. Reolink and other low end cameras do not allow that, and if they do they ignore what you set.

Then there's the consideration of iframes. Video surveillance cameras do not constantly send full frame video. They send one full frame, then a series of partial frames base on any motion they "see". Reolink and the low end cameras, stretch that time out. Ideally a ratio of 1:1 is required for good motion detection and rendering. Reolink and the others change that ration constantly and it can drop as low as 1:4 or even higher. That, in turn, results in motion being totally missed since a full frame with all the information needed to detect motion may not happen for four or more seconds which can be after the event happened.
Good call. I have both. They do their job. I think people really like the 3241 ZAS, both have audio.
I get cues from the audio when I'm in my office and hear the sounds of Amazon, UPS, Or a diesel engine, ( usually some vendor), or car doors closing.
I initially did not understand how i was gonna run audio cables out to these locations (LOL Newb!)
But the audio is carried on the Cat5 cable along with power and video.
here is the T2431T-AS. the guy caught a Converter cutter in the act, and they took off without the converter, but cut the front off and cut the transmission line.
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