I screwed up my main screen layout


Getting the hang of it
Aug 23, 2017
I'm not sure what I did, but I don't think I'm the only one to do this because I found another thread with no resolution posted. I can see my cameras or clips, but I can no longer see them both on my main page. I don't know what I clicked on to make this happen, but I did. Any idea how to fix it so I can see my live cameras and a list of clips on the side like I'm accustomed to? Thanks
Right click and uncheck Maximize frame? I'm just guessing without seeing a screen shot.
Top left, to the right of the Blue Iris logo, there is a button that looks like the YouTube Logo. Press that as you might have turned off the Clips window.
That toggles me back and forth from all clips to live view, not both which I had for quite some time now. Also, unchecking maximize is no help.
I'm not sure what I did, but I don't think I'm the only one to do this because I found another thread with no resolution posted. I can see my cameras or clips, but I can no longer see them both on my main page. I don't know what I clicked on to make this happen, but I did. Any idea how to fix it so I can see my live cameras and a list of clips on the side like I'm accustomed to? Thanks

A screenshot of what you have would help.
I think he is seeing the saved clips covering his entire screen as opposed to having it as one column on the left or right. Pressing the folding map should fix it.


Please let us know if this isn't the solution and provide a screenshot.