I want to use back my old analog Samsung CCTV camera


Getting the hang of it
Jul 16, 2016

I am just wondering has anyone in the forum has tried to install the EasyCAP video capture adapter?

It converts the analog video signal to digital via CO-AX cable using USB 2.0 port on your laptop or PC.

I want to use back the old analog camera, so does Blue Iris support this adapter?

Amazon Link: easycap usb 2.0 audio video capture adapter

Thanks in advance.

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BlueIris has USB and Analogue support when adding a camera so in theroy it should work. As its from Amazon I would order and if it doesn't work return for credit.
I’d strongly suspect that it will require specific software to make use of the output/input in the usb port so will probably not work.
Yes, that is what most do is just get an NVR that accepts analog cameras.

In BI, you select add camera and put the IP address of the NVR into the IP address location. Put in username and password and hit find/inspect and let BI do its thing.

Then about halfway down is a pull down for Camera number and pick camera 1 and then hit ok. The camera should show up. Then repeat process and add camera and then select copy and copy this camera and then change the number 1 to a 2 and repeat for your cameras. OR depending on your NVR, it may populate all the cameras in the main and substream pulldown boxes and you just select a camera number and then add another camera and select the next pulldown.
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Yes, that is what most do is just get an NVR that accepts analog cameras.

In BI, you select add camera and put the IP address of the NVR into the IP address location. Put in username and password and hit find/inspect and let BI do its thing.

Then about halfway down is a pull down for Camera number and pick camera 1 and then hit ok. The camera should show up. Then repeat process and add camera and then select copy and copy this camera and then change the number 1 to a 2 and repeat for your cameras. OR depending on your NVR, it may populate all the cameras in the main and substream pulldown boxes and you just select a camera number and then add another camera and select the next pulldown.

Alright, I will give it a try. Thanks :)