Idiots on HOA Board installed useless speed bumps


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
My issue is more about the racket we now hear all day long with every commercial vehicle. I understand the concept of speed bumps but spending $5,500 on plastic bumps was one of their dumbest moves. We actually have homeowners who have sped up because they found that going over the plastic bumps faster makes their suspension go "click-clack" instead "KA-clank" so they get a smoother feel. And, of course we have homeowners who now race between the bumps. Yes, they go slower over the bumps but they make up for lost time...LOL!

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My issue is more about the racket we now hear all day long with every commercial vehicle. I understand the concept of speed bumps but spending $5,500 on plastic bumps was one of their dumbest moves. We actually have homeowners who have sped up because they found that going over the plastic bumps faster makes their suspension go "click-clack" instead "KA-clank" so they get a smoother feel. And, of course we have homeowners who now race between the bumps. Yes, they go slower over the bumps but they make up for lost time...LOL!

After spending over 31 years in public works/roadway daily, I can testify to the fact that they don't work. I'll bet you more have been installed then removed shortly thereafter than have been installed and still remain.

And pity the poor soul that lives across from them mid-block...aside from the noise, drivers will go around them if no curbs exist and drive in your yard.

BTW, are there any advance signs and advisory speed signs because of the speed bump(s)? If not, it could be a liability to the agency that installed them, as those bumps can cause a cyclist or motorcyclist to lose control.

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Speed humps (speed bumps that are 24-36" deep instead of the 6-8" a regular speed bump) or speed tables (where an entire intersection is raised up) can work. These are both designed to be crossed at 20-25mph without problems. A perfect speed for residential streets. (Of course the biggest gripe with them is that plenty of people will still come to a nearly a complete stop to cross over the humps and tables which is extremely annoying if you are following behind them). Speed bumps - where traffic really needs to come to nearly a complete stop to cross without damage - should be outlawed on roads and only allowed in parking lots.

In my county, there is ZERO chance these would be allowed on a public road. Even if a neighborhood bought and installed them, the county would demand they be removed. Actually the county is even very reluctant to allow speed humps to be installed anymore. Unfortunately for Sybertiger, he is in a community with private roads so the county probably doesn't have any say. Still, I would still reach out to them to discuss the speed humps. They may still be able to force the HOA to remove them due to emergency and county vehicle access.
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My experience with speed "humps" has been pretty much the same as with speed "bumps" as noted in my first post.

When any similar device akin to speed "humps" are installed to mitigate speeds through residential (and not deadend) streets then the commute drivers will seek alternate routes to maintain their speeds, increasing traffic to roads that before the installations had no issues with excessive traffic or increased speeds.

I've seen it countless least where I was. Granted, it could be different in another city, county or state but it would surprise me if the effect was not similar. :cool:
My experience with speed "humps" has been pretty much the same as with speed "bumps" as noted in my first post.

When any similar device akin to speed "humps" are installed to mitigate speeds through residential (and not deadend) streets then the commute drivers will seek alternate routes to maintain their speeds, increasing traffic to roads that before the installations had no issues with excessive traffic or increased speeds.

I've seen it countless least where I was. Granted, it could be different in another city, county or state but it would surprise me if the effect was not similar. :cool:

I can attest to the fact that speed humps changed the driving pattern of my old dad. He takes another route so as to avoid a road with speed humps. He's a speed demon so I know he's driving faster to make up for any possible lost time. Personally, I drive on that short cut road they added the speed humps and thought it weird my dad now takes a different route. Of course, I'm only there visiting on occasion whereas he drives the area all the time.
They put a speed bump in front of my house quite some time ago and you wouldn't believe all the things I have picked up over the years that have bounced out of the back of pickup trucks. It hasn't slowed people down much but It's been a plus for adding to my tool collection. :D
Probably a few Karens got on the board ..

Recall having a new Karen move into the neighborhood and started to demand speed bumps / humps .. thankfully did not happen, and a couple years later they moved ..
Probably a few Karens got on the board ..

Recall having a new Karen move into the neighborhood and started to demand speed bumps / humps .. thankfully did not happen, and a couple years later they moved ..

I literally have a neighbor across the street named Karen. In fact she emailed me this morning telling me she wanted and likes the speedbumps. :rofl:
I don't have a problem with a speed "hump" if it's installed properly in my case, right where the Stop Sign is located. I live on a corner, and at least 50% of the cars (neighbors and people passing through) don't stop at this intersection. Cars speed through these signs, to avoid the 2 Stop Lights on the main roads, especially at rush hour. A speed "hump" should be about 3 feet wide and made of asphalt like the road. The plastic bolted on bumps, are a joke, and the snow plows would just remove them in the winter.
I found a nice Snap-On electronic torque wrench not long ago laying in the gutter. Guess somebody probably left it sitting on the bumper or toolbox and it fell off when they made the turn.
Being 200 yds. uphill from a public boatramp since early 2006, I get occasional "freebies": a cooler, inflatable donuts for pulling behind a boat, a transom saver (props up an outboard motor) and a wallet. I was able to return the wallet a few days later.:)

The frequent "gifts' are unwanted: empty ice bags, plastic bags, empty 12 pack and 24 pack beer can and bottle cartons. :confused:
I'm vice prez of HOA board. Why pay for speed bumps at specific locations when you can have 8" deep pot holes here and there for free!
I'd send you a few of our potholes you could use there but I'd have to pull several cars and trucks out of 'em first......:lmao:
LOL, I wish. Good timing on the article through. Ours are those shitty plastic ones they bolt down which makes them easy to remove. The good thing is they are yellow/black striped plastic so you can see them. I'm not even going to mention the safety signs. All I need is for the HOA to uglify the community even more. Our roads are owned by the HOA so we can eff them up as much as we like. Although our insurance carrier probably would not be please there are no bump warning signs.