Be aware, strengthening your password is a good idea but uiltimately if you port forward you're making it easy for anyone to get in.
Goggle isn't the only search engine out there. Hackers use Shodan which basically shows up millions of entries that google and similar engines hide. Every single device connected to the internet that isn't correctly hidden shows and can be found in one of the OSINT search engines. Not only the device, but what it is, it's location etc. So someone out for no good could search cameras and your location eg florida, in which case every single camera attached to the internet in florida would show up. Click on yours, and it shows you exact location to as close as is possible and your IP address and port. From there, the hacker has everything they need to get started. So far as passwords are concerned, passwords won't stop a hacker because as Alastair explained above, cameras have vulnerabilities than enable hackers to either bypass logins entirely rendering your passwords useless, or alternatively there are vulnerabilites where they can command the camera to tell them your login and password! In which case they just then login in using it. No matter how strong your password is, it's no use if it can be bypassed or reveals itself. What you need is a VPN but not the paid for type. One that runs on your router locally and enables you to set up a secure remote connection with your phone app. This then hides your router / cameras presence on the internet so it cannot be detected by search engines, even using OSINT, and does not reveal it's IP / port address. In addtion, to enter the router, the hacker if they can find it by other means would have to break the VPN encryption which would take a very long time with a building sized super computer so is very very unlikely.
In simple terms therefore:
Port Forwarding - Router shouts I'm here connect to me and reveals everything needed to do that ie IP address, open ports etc.
VPN - Router hidden, IP hidden, from search engines and internet generally, doesn't respond to pings or port scans, any adverse remote connection to it via the VPN route requires breaking the encryption.