I found the QR code tab under the flap of the shipping box and downloaded the ConfigTool for both of my cameras which are plugged into a Netgear 305EPP at the moment. I initialized both and got results like this:
SmartPlayer and PC-NVR won't connect. The ConfigTool let me initialize both cameras but, they don't retain this across power cycles (disconnected Ethernet cable of loss of power on the switch).
My laptop, the Synology DS1821+, and both cameras are plugged into the switch which is uplinked with my 1/2Gigabit fiber Internet connection.
What am I missing that causes these cameras to not work?
Yes, I'm reading the three PDF's associated with the QR Code.
Plug one in at a time. Configure each camera separately. Once you've configured one, and moved its' I{ address off the default address, and use a fixed address outside of the DHCP range of your router it's OK to leave it plugged in, Then plug in the next one, rinse and repeat.
Initially, I use just one which defaulted to "108". I never could get it to work so, earlier today, I tried the second one at "110". Both report 108 even though I have tried resetting them multiple times to unique IP's.
The CMDTool won't reset them and reports a password error even though it never asked for one.
Fire up a web browser and go to it will ask you to change the password and the region and you can set one up. It will reboot to the login screen . Log in then change the ip under the settings…network…tab.
plug in the other camera and repeat. It’s important not to have them both plugged in at the same time because you will get an ip conflict.
I tried those as well. When I setup up my first camera, I wrote down the IP address and port as suggested but, it didn't work. I tried my second camera but, the address it initialize to was the same. When I try to change it, fails with a password error.
At this point, I'm thinking either the software tools or the camera firmware is buggy but, I'm also trying to rule out USER ERROR.
I have also swapped ethernet cables around to rule out a bad cable and I have used different ports to rule out a flaky ethernet port on the switch. Right now I'm on that same switch using ethernet, not wireless, to reach the Internet.
If you continue to have problems, open the access panel on the camera then while the camera is powered on, hold the reset button for at least 30 seconds. This will put you back to square one and you can start from scratch. Only plug in one camera at a time.
After you set it back to default, do not scan any QR codes to set it back up, simply use Internet explorer and navigate to
If you continue to have problems, open the access panel on the camera then while the camera is powered on, hold the reset button for at least 30 seconds. This will put you back to square one and you can start from scratch. Only plug in one camera at a time.
After you set it back to default, do not scan any QR codes to set it back up, simply use Internet explorer and navigate to
The reset button works! However, I still can't manually set the IP address. I cleared and tried to "import" the settings but that gives me a MAC address error.
Using the address with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge/IE all time out with no connection. Since the ConfigTool sees both cameras singly or together, I know I have the connection to the camera. However, it seems like the cameras are responding to the web address to finish their setup and the ConfigTool won't let me alter the default IP Address.
Set the IP on your computer to (assuming that's not assigned to something else, if so pick another within 192.168.1.X other than .108).
Connect ONE of the cams and only ONE of the cams to your POE switch.
Reset the cam using the reset button.
Using Windows Explorer on your computer go to No QR codes, no Config Tool, no imports or anything else.
Cam should show the web interface.
Set the IP to a STATIC address at whatever IP within the range of 192.168.1.x you want other than .108, mask 255..255.255.0, DNS and gateway set to the same IP as the cam for now. While you're there uncheck the box if checked that says something like set IP from ARP/Ping.
You should lose the connection. Try accessing the cam in the same way at the new IP address that you entered. Should be good.
But speaking of ARP, why not use that (arp -a) to confirm your camera's (ID'd by MAC) IP is what you think it is, before and after doing anything. It's just a fast and dirty way to see what's on the subnet.
Something is whack...
You have Synology as I do, so why not download and use the 'Synology Surveillance Station Client'. Once I ditched browsers and started using the Client APP everything fell into place.
I know it's bad etiquette to repeat myself. Doing this just in case. Regarding config tool not letting you change the IP address, when you initialize the camera, you give it a password. You must then change the stored password in config tool (in Search Settings) before altering the camera's IP address. I'm not saying I know this is causing your problem, just that I've been caught by this a few times.
But speaking of ARP, why not use that (arp -a) to confirm your camera's (ID'd by MAC) IP is what you think it is, before and after doing anything. It's just a fast and dirty way to see what's on the subnet.