IPC-HDBW4421E suffering from ir sensor reflection


Young grasshopper
Feb 9, 2017
I've got 3 Dahua IPC-HDBW4421E cameras that seem to be getting a reflection from the IR sensor. The glass domes are clean, what else can I do to try and fix?

Daytime footage is crystal clear.



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I might not be right, but pictures 1 and 4 look more like light surface reflection from the walls/window than dome.

Also, if you have a dome oriented very tight to one side, so that the IRs are occulded by the frame, this same kind of reflection fogging can happen.

I would pull them down a bit and test them without the walls in frame, so you can rule that out.
Domes suck, reframe them so there are no walls in view and make sure the foam ring is seated firmly
Thanks, next time my electrician is over I'l get him to adjust it for me. It's on the second story roof eve and I suck with heights.

What's a better camera type with similar field of view for outside?
you can also look in my testing roundup for hdbw´s . The HDBW4421 is a small dome version. I am for sure, the lens are too much near the body. the little dome is really painful for this. Please provide us a picture of the cams how they are mounted. I think it can be solved without throwing them away ;)
Maybe with this mount.
I need a closer look of the cams. I need to see the direction they are looking and the ir leds. Take a picture as close as possible.
When you look on my pictures to the mounting of hdbw you see how it shouldn´t be. It´s just for the first run, the mounting is not ready, i will finish it this weekend with a better mounting solution.
Camera 1:

Sorry that's the best I can do as they are up on the second story roof
you need to take a ladder. Sorry. On picture 1,2,4 it looks like that the leds are very close to the housing. And we can´t see if the lens shade is close to the dome glass. Sometimes it only a few milimeters for turning the cam, to prevent the lens getting cloud effects from the ir. Because of the many leds for this cheap version you need to prove, that the lens is as near of middle of the dome as possible. And its senseless to have the wall on the picture. Maybe turning it away from the wall, putting it a bit more down would help much.

If this doesn´t help, you need to search a way to move the cams to better positions. Looking in an nearly 90 degree angle is not good for dome cams.

I can´t understand, why the dome version has been used. The balls eye hdw4421 wouldn´t cost more. It looks like the installer didn´t think about what he did, or he did not have a clue ;)
You may have missed the bit about me and a dislike of heights

It was my fault for getting these cameras. Mostly due to inexperience and lack of awareness of this forum compounded with the 11.11 20% off sale AliExpress had last year, I rushed into making the wrong decision.

I'm trying to make the best of the current situation and hoping that I can still work with these. I've also just ordered a IPC-HDW5431R-Z to try out and may replace them with this if it works well.
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Why HDW5431R-Z and not a much better HDW5231R-Z?
We recommended you the 2mp starlight Cam, not the 4mp version. The 5431 is better than your hdbw4421 but for a few dollars more the hdw5231 would be much better at night.
nice, those starlights just destroy 4MP cameras.. makes em seem as antiquated as a camera on a flip phone
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I think mine the bullet is the 4MP starlight and the turret 2MP from memory.