IPC-HDW5231R-Z Grey screen on recordings

What is frustrating is some cameras work fine and some are not.
I notice the cameras that work for are showing 15fps in blue Iris "they are setup for 15 in the camera menu". The ones that show 30 fps show black playback. If I switch the extra only to h264 the playback is grayish and ghosted.
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So, how to revert to that is attached to this post (or any other version etc).

1. Easy way to backup, copy this text to a file that you will save as "BackupBI v1.10.cmd"
@echo off
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM BackupBI v1.10.CMD
REM Version 1.10 - October 17, 2017
REM Removed FileVer.exe requirements, dont use to change between 32/64 bit Windows.
REM Complete overhaul of the operation of the script.
REM In current form this script only works with version 4.x.x.x Blue Iris
REM Version 1.00 - August 2, 2012
REM Backs up all Blue Iris' Settings stored in the registry using
REM RegEdit.exe and renames the backup to 'BlueIris_v3.xx.xx.reg'. This
REM is the same as performing an Export/Backup Settings from within
REM BlueIris Options.
REM History:
REM v1.00 - Initial release.
REM v1.10 - Removed FileVer requirements, complete script overhaul
REM Compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------

REM ---------------[ YOU CAN CHANGE THESE ]---------------

SET "DEST=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Blue Iris Backup"
mkdir "%DEST%" > NUL 2>&1

REM ------------------------------------------------------


REM Check if 32 bit
reg QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\Registration" /ve > NUL 2>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
     SET "KEY=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Perspective Software"
     SET "SOURCE=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Blue Iris\\BlueIris.exe"

REM Check if 64 bit
reg QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\Registration" /ve > NUL 2>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
     SET "SOURCE=C:\\Program Files\\Blue Iris 4\\BlueIris.exe"

if "%KEY%" == "NONE" (
    Echo. && Echo FATAL ERROR: Blue Iris is not installed or present in the Windows Registry
    exit /b

REM Output the Blue Iris registry
REGEDIT /E:A "%DEST%\BlueIris.reg" "%KEY%"

REM Get BlueIris.exe vesion number
SET "WMICCommand=wmic datafile WHERE "name='%SOURCE%'" get version"
FOR /F "skip=1" %%X IN ('%WMICCommand%') DO (
    if not defined BI_VER (
        set "BI_VER=%%X"

REM Do a rudimentary exists output registry file check
IF EXIST "%DEST%\BlueIris.reg" (
     MOVE /Y "%DEST%\BlueIris.reg" "%DEST%\BlueIris_v%BI_VER%.reg" > NUL
     echo. && echo Backup of Blue Iris version %BI_VER% is completed
     echo. && echo Backup location is "%DEST%\BlueIris_v%BI_VER%.reg"
) else (
     echo. && echo ERROR: BlueIris.reg is missing from %DEST%...
     echo. && echo Make sure to run BackupBI.cmd as Administrator.
2. Then execute the batch. It will create you a folder on desktop called "Blue Iris Backup"
Inside this folder will be the saved registry from Blue Iris with the version.
Be aware if file exists, the batch will overwrite it.
NOTE: While I have absolute confidence in the script, please check the registry output file size is right. Mine is 2.7MB.
I don't want you to lose any settings before you uninstall

3. After backed up, open Blue Iris, from options de-activate the license, close Blue Iris
4. Uninstall Blue Iris as you do with any other program, remove settings and everything else it asks for
5. Reboot server OS at the end when uninstaller asks
6. Install Blue Iris from my attachment in this post, dont select to Run Blue Iris at the end of install
7. From Desktop\Blue Iris Backup folder run the registry file you backed up earlier, this will completely restore your Blue Iris as it was before.
8. Open Blue Iris, if running as service previously you have to go to options and startup tab, tick run as service.


Ill try put some pics in the post about it after work tonight.
Take care


Same results for me.....here are my cam settings. I have reported this to Ken as well.
I also should note that this is a Dahua IPC-HDW4231EM-AS that does this on mine.



  • settings2.JPG
    59 KB · Views: 8
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Reactions: fenderman
Or just install this: Blue Iris Update Helper (BiUpdateHelper)

So, how to revert to that is attached to this post (or any other version etc).

1. Easy way to backup, copy this text to a file that you will save as "BackupBI v1.10.cmd"
@echo off
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM BackupBI v1.10.CMD
REM Version 1.10 - October 17, 2017
REM Removed FileVer.exe requirements, dont use to change between 32/64 bit Windows.
REM Complete overhaul of the operation of the script.
REM In current form this script only works with version 4.x.x.x Blue Iris
REM Version 1.00 - August 2, 2012
REM Backs up all Blue Iris' Settings stored in the registry using
REM RegEdit.exe and renames the backup to 'BlueIris_v3.xx.xx.reg'. This
REM is the same as performing an Export/Backup Settings from within
REM BlueIris Options.
REM History:
REM v1.00 - Initial release.
REM v1.10 - Removed FileVer requirements, complete script overhaul
REM Compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------

REM ---------------[ YOU CAN CHANGE THESE ]---------------

SET "DEST=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Blue Iris Backup"
mkdir "%DEST%" > NUL 2>&1

REM ------------------------------------------------------


REM Check if 32 bit
reg QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\Registration" /ve > NUL 2>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
     SET "KEY=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Perspective Software"
     SET "SOURCE=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Blue Iris\\BlueIris.exe"

REM Check if 64 bit
reg QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\Registration" /ve > NUL 2>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
     SET "SOURCE=C:\\Program Files\\Blue Iris 4\\BlueIris.exe"

if "%KEY%" == "NONE" (
    Echo. && Echo FATAL ERROR: Blue Iris is not installed or present in the Windows Registry
    exit /b

REM Output the Blue Iris registry
REGEDIT /E:A "%DEST%\BlueIris.reg" "%KEY%"

REM Get BlueIris.exe vesion number
SET "WMICCommand=wmic datafile WHERE "name='%SOURCE%'" get version"
FOR /F "skip=1" %%X IN ('%WMICCommand%') DO (
    if not defined BI_VER (
        set "BI_VER=%%X"

REM Do a rudimentary exists output registry file check
IF EXIST "%DEST%\BlueIris.reg" (
     MOVE /Y "%DEST%\BlueIris.reg" "%DEST%\BlueIris_v%BI_VER%.reg" > NUL
     echo. && echo Backup of Blue Iris version %BI_VER% is completed
     echo. && echo Backup location is "%DEST%\BlueIris_v%BI_VER%.reg"
) else (
     echo. && echo ERROR: BlueIris.reg is missing from %DEST%...
     echo. && echo Make sure to run BackupBI.cmd as Administrator.
2. Then execute the batch. It will create you a folder on desktop called "Blue Iris Backup"
Inside this folder will be the saved registry from Blue Iris with the version.
Be aware if file exists, the batch will overwrite it.
NOTE: While I have absolute confidence in the script, please check the registry output file size is right. Mine is 2.7MB.
I don't want you to lose any settings before you uninstall

3. After backed up, open Blue Iris, from options de-activate the license, close Blue Iris
4. Uninstall Blue Iris as you do with any other program, remove settings and everything else it asks for
5. Reboot server OS at the end when uninstaller asks
6. Install Blue Iris from my attachment in this post, dont select to Run Blue Iris at the end of install
7. From Desktop\Blue Iris Backup folder run the registry file you backed up earlier, this will completely restore your Blue Iris as it was before.
8. Open Blue Iris, if running as service previously you have to go to options and startup tab, tick run as service.


Ill try put some pics in the post about it after work tonight.
Take care
I have had the exact same issue (grey / black on said camera) and rolled back up yesterday. Now it works again. is out on the website.

Blue Iris Updates

Is the fix for this? Haven't heard from Ken in many days. Have you worked with Ken on this? JW.

I just reported to him the issue I was having with h.265. I did update mine and will try one of my cams on h.265 tomorrow during the day and see what happens. Ken did tell me this may help me on that issue.
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Reactions: Philip Gonzales
i have release x64 BI :wow: check for update now : your software is up to date

mine did the same thing. You will need to download the update manually. I just re-enabled one of my cams to h.265 and will see how it goes today.
Well the new version broke my other cameras :facepalm:. BI won't even connect to my other cameras unless I select Generic RTSP camera and even then I tried all the settings to get the audio working and no luck. Reverting back now.
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Well I am confused on what is happening here....yes BI now works using h.265 but I have lost all my space savings I was getting before. Maybe this is why it puked. I really am seeing no difference between h.265 vs h.264 at this time. In both cases I was running 6fps @ 2048
clip1.JPG clip2.JPG
Well I am confused on what is happening here....yes BI now works using h.265 but I have lost all my space savings I was getting before. Maybe this is why it puked. I really am seeing no difference between h.265 vs h.264 at this time. In both cases I was running 6fps @ 2048
View attachment 22785 View attachment 22786

Aren't you seeing about a 50% decrease now? What were you seeing before?