IpCamTalk Holiday Logo


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
Reaction score
Megatroplis, USA
I would imagine that this post isn't going to be very popular, but such is our lot.

I see that the IpCamTalk.com logo has been updated with a Santa hat and a menorah in the header logo. I'd like to point out a menorah is a religious symbol whereas a Santa hat is a holiday symbol. A menorah in the IpCamTalk does not offend me; I have no desire to see it removed. However, I do feel a need to bring to light my opinion that comparing a Santa hat to a menorah shortchanges the Christians among us, me included.

I'm not suggesting that an image of Jesus nailed to a cross is very festive, but IMO it would be appropriate to display a cross or a manger in place of the Santa hat.

I'm not a moron who rides around with a "Keep Christ in Christmas" bumper sticker on their car because I clearly understand that, being an American citizen, I don't need anyone's permission to say "Merry Christmas" or put a manger on my lawn. This right is codified in the Third Article of the Constitution of The United States of America: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Unless one is Muslim of course. To those fellow human beings I would -- unfortunately -- counsel caution and stealth when exercising their American religious "freedom."

If you're one of those Sheeple who are compelled to label everyone as to belonging to the "right" or the "left" you're going to have a difficult time pinning a label on me. Try "armed American citizen and defender of Christians, Jews and Muslims."

Happy New Year and Merry Fucking Christmas everyone.

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