IPCT IPCT Upgrade Tonight! - Oct. 11, 2019

Thanks @Mike for pinning the user message controls to the nav bar!
Mebbe I just finally cleared my cookies but today they scroll with the page.
Just finished that early this morning!
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Hi Mike, I hate to criticise because I think this site is absolutely GREAT, but since the update I am now getting an advertising bar appear at the top of threads when I view on phone. I realise this site doesn't pay for itself which is why I made a donation, and will probably make another sometime.
But Please could we lose that advertising bar, and stick to the advertising in the pages, or maybe make the X close button bigger. Or if not possible move the Nav bar down, so it isn't covered.
Or is there a way to remove add bar from phone?
Many thanks for all your work.
The same ad was also on the old site, and while I admit it can be annoying, IPCT has 3 very expensive servers and a lot of other cost involved that requires this. I will see if I can make it less intrusive.

However, I have disabled ads for anyone who has a monthly recurring donation of $5 or more set up, available here - Ads are also not visible to 'IPCT Contributors'.
Hey Mike,
Any update on a dark theme?

Nevermind, I just saw your response on the previous page. I was away last week and not on the forum.
Mike, has anyone reported any issues? Over the past few days when I've come to the site, I've intermittently seen a message "Oops we ran into some problems please try later". At the top of the page it suggests clearing cookies. I did try that but it never worked on return. I suspect that maybe there has either been some maintenance or there's an intermittent crash occurring.

Date and time of last issue:

Yesterday: 17:37 UTC
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