IR Bleed over? Or What?


Jun 18, 2015
N.E. Montana
Below is a Night time image of my HikVision DS-2CD2732F-IS. I'm shooting fairly Wide angle. Focus is good but right in the middle is a white "moon" round thinggy. Any cure?

Does Foscam do this too?.. (grin):)

The Thinggy is just to the right of the top of the boat and to the left of the shed door.


Here's the link.. :



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I'm guessing reflection from one of many shiny things. You might want to turn them all a few degrees and see what happens.
In my experience - IR bleed washes out a significant portion of the picture, not just a spot.
I agree, thats not IR bleed thats what lens flare looks like in black and white.. likely from a reflector.

nice looking radio shack btw.
I would agree with the others to the point that I would look to the trailer at the bottom left as my starting point as that looks to me to be the brightest spot in your shot.

Easy way to check it is to take a piece of paper and start covering up the objects that are reflecting on the image one at a time.
doesn't mater where I point the lens I still get the adoration. I kink it's the reflection of the lens in the dome.

Have you tried cleaning the inside of the dome? Make sure nothing is on the lens..
Make sure the foam circular light blocker around the lens is pressed firmly on the dome. If not, regular light and IR can leak in.
Hi, Back after a vacation...

I looked at the dome for clarity.. course, it's brand new, and looks spotless. So....

Do the other style of cameras.. in the long box, have this problem? Or is this an issue with all IR cams?

Hi, Back after a vacation...

I looked at the dome for clarity.. course, it's brand new, and looks spotless. So....

Do the other style of cameras.. in the long box, have this problem? Or is this an issue with all IR cams?


Either you have a flaw (doubtful) in the lens or that's lens flare. When you checked the dome did you make sure the black foam surrounding the lens was **firmly** against the dome? If it isn't they'll be some light leak.
Also, is that "thing" there during daylight or dusk?
I did check the foam ring.. I could check again and make sure it's at it's max outward toward the dome plastic. It is glued in.. but seems to move ok.

I don't see the "flair" during daylight hours. Tonight I'll post another picture.

Thanks for the help.

I did check the foam ring.. I could check again and make sure it's at it's max outward toward the dome plastic. It is glued in.. but seems to move ok.

I don't see the "flair" during daylight hours. Tonight I'll post another picture.

Thanks for the help.


I suppose there could be a flaw in the IR filter that moves into place, but that would be the first time I've ever heard of it. Can you move the camera? Take a night picture where it's presently aimed then move it maybe 45 degrees to the right - take another. Then 45-degrees to the opposite side of the original position and take another and post all three. I'm curious as to whether the "spot" will move.
Go outside with some duct tape and paper at night and mask off every one of those reflectors from the cameras view... all the tail lights, tags, posts, everything.. all it takes is 1 and it could be coming from outside the FOV as all it needs to be is forward of the camera.. so its a 180 degrees of susceptibility even though your FOV is much lower.

reflectors wreak havoc with cameras, they cause lens flare and make the image darker than it needs to be as the camera tries to compensate..
Oh.. sure Nayr.. that makes sense.

Had truck trouble today so didn't get anything done on the camera.. We'll see what happens in the morning.

I sure appreciate the help guys n gals!

If you got a bunch of old rags or towels, just thrown them over the reflecting objects.