This is a 2 MP camera with a 1/2.8" CMOS, and I would like to improve night vision. I've never used an IR illuminator before, and I was wondering if others think it would help or if I should consider upgrading the cameras. Opinions or thoughts?
Bottom line, they put out a bunch of light all over and greatly improve the overall view even with a good camera. Well worth the relatively little money in my book.
I didn't really make the point that I intended to well with the last image. Which was that, at least with the Dahua cams, I get a much better image with the camera's IR turned off and relying only on off-camera lighting. That's how I run all of mine now. The on-board IR is fine and you can get it very good, but I can never get things to look as good as I can with it turned off. It tends to make a hotter spot where the camera is pointed and, even with everything set to manual and whatever compensation you want to apply, the cameras still internally adjust the overall image to the brightness at the center and you lose most of the detail beyond that balanced out in the dark. Also, even with "SmartIR" turned on, things closer to the camera typically get blown out kinda badly. With off-camera lighting you light up and preserve the background/overall image and avoid blowing out things nearer.
This capture of my light-colored dog in the same view shows that better. With the on-camera IR you'd never get the image as good. With the dog about 3' from the camera you'd have a glowing white dog with most detail of it lost in the brightness and most all of the background lost in the dark. Much better balanced overall image with off-camera lighting. (There's some other lights/cameras involved here which is why I didn't use it above but same applies.)
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TL/DR: Get both and run using off-camera IR. Maybe both in some settings but you won't need to. You've got a bunch of reflective surfaces there between the patio, shed, fence, and trees in the background all that will light up very well and it will look great.
No, same one. I have other lighting in the yard there that I mentioned that you see some of in that image but it's mostly just that one Tendelux Di10 for that camera/view. They do have another Di20 that's higher power for a little more but you don't need that for the area that you showed.Mike, it looks like you referenced two different ir illuminators, is one better than the other?