Is SSH or telnet available in 5.4.5?

I have access to my admin account but all the passwords that I've tried for the root does not work at all. but thanks anyway.
same here, does anyone know the new root password for 5.5.0?
It might vary with the specific model - but for IPC_R6_ML_STD_5.5.0_170725 it looks like it's still :
hiklinux (admin)
hiklinux (guest)
hiklinux (root)
unless these are now over-written on the fly at startup.
I don't have a camera with 5.5.0 so unable to test.
I have a DS-2CD2442FWD-IW (should be IPC_R6_ML_STD_5.5.0_170725), but none of the users (admin, guest, root) with "hiklinux" are working :(
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yes, but then I cannot do anything in the shell, there are no commands available (e.g. the simple ls is not available).
That's the Hikvision 'psh' protected shell, designed to stop the ability to mess with the internals. To get past it requires tweaked firmware, or access to the serial console to get into a debug mode via the bootloader.
do you know howto make a 5.5.0 tweaked firmware (and if it is possible with this version)? I have to google howto access the serial console, but I think then I have to open the cam?!
I did it.
Well done! It's a good feeling when you get there.
This for an R6 series camera.

But before you can use ssh, you have to enable ssh as written on page 1.
In my experience - maybe worth testing to confirm - the 'Batch Configuration Tool' can also enable SSH when the web GUI does not have that checkbox. Easier to use than the SDK.
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With the helping post from here I compiled the suitable toolchain (its an armv7) and the latest dropbear with scp.
What should I say, I‘m in.... with the help of the great tool „hikpack“!

Here a pre-patched firmware with scp in there, so you can edit/copy files, maybe I make a repository, so apt-get for everyone...

If someone need's it, here the link to the toolchain, and here the link to "convert-to-echo".

If you don't want to reflash the firmware, you can "echo" the contend of the file to "/bin", then "chmod 755 scp" and you have a working scp. But don't use putty, it is too fast, I used ZOC7 for this. Remember, after a reboot this file is gone.

If someone is interested on the r6 installed files and toolchain, here some data...

Linux 3.10.73+
Glibc (linaro) 2.18-2013.09
Dropbear 2016.74

Toolchain, build with crosstool-ng (1.21.0):
Linux 3.10.79
Binutils 2.25
glibc (linaro) 2.20-2014.11
GCC 5.1.0
for target little endian, hard-float compiled on virtualbox with Debian Jessi with GCC 4.9.2-10+deb8u1

Firmware patched with latest dropbear 2018.76

Please follow this thread for now!

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partially... have to do with this post, but..

in the command line, Is there a way to know when an event has occurred?

I want to do a GET to an URL when such thing happens (via scripting)

I have a Node server listening on the network, being able to interface with other peripherals

of course it will be better if we have an option for this in the "linkage method" on the event.
