I have searched a fair bit and not found a satisfactory answer to this question. My router is set to block the cameras from having access to the internet. Wife and I are both retired, so only computer always on our network is the Blue Iris PC. We surf the net using iPads, stream YouTube TV or Netflix via a Smart TV or Roku, and have a variety of IoT devices, such as WiFi thermostat, outside temperature logger, Smarthings hub, Leviton WiFi light switches, etc. No ports are opened on my router for any device; I remote access Blue Iris via OpenVPN. Network speed is not an issue; the cameras are connected to the BI PC via switches, not the router. If I can’t trust my router to block the cameras from Internet access, why should I trust that there isn’t nefarious software running in any of my IoT devices? And, since the Blue Iris PC does have Internet access, why should I believe it is less likely to be exploited by a nefarious actor than my cameras?