IVS issues?


Pulling my weight
Jul 6, 2020
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First post here however I have been reading here pretty close to daily for months now, in depth subject matter to the nth degree up off in here. This place it great!!

I've arrived at a point I would like to say hi plus ask a question if I may.

So I bought a IPC T5442T-ZE to replace a dead one and I can not get it to trigger on anything non human via IVS. (Camera from EmpireTech Andy if that makes any difference)

I am using the IE GUI for everything I can setup wise and Smart PSS and NVR for 2 cameras.

Settings in IE,

SMD = "disabled" as in not to filter motion detection to humans and motor vehicles only

Smart plan = IVS

IVS rule = "object filter" for human or motor vehicle is unchecked

And using Smart PSS to set "Sensitivity", oddly enough a function the web gui doesn't offer.

I do have motion detection enabled so I get triggers but would like to turn that off.

Is there some other setting I'm missing, I want to filter out leaves falling/blowing around the shadows from the trees on the ground etc etc but I do want it to trigger on humans on vehicles and on deer/critters too.

This cameras firmware programed to filter out everything but humans and vehicles? Looks like it has version V2.800.15OG004.0.R build 2020-12-03

Thank you for your time,



IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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When the camera has AI, then IVS is using AI, so when you unselect human or motor vehicle, you won't get IVS triggers (surprised you can uncheck both).

If you want to trigger on other items, then you need MD turned on and play with sensitivity and other settings, which is what you are doing now.

One thing you could try is to use IVS for human but then set a min object size that may then trigger for critters, but it will be hit or miss.

These cameras are intended for a business environment, so that is why human and vehicles are the AI categories.

If they ever decide to make a residential camera, then maybe some more object detection categories will be added.


Pulling my weight
Jul 6, 2020
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When the camera has AI, then IVS is using AI, so when you unselect human or motor vehicle, you won't get IVS triggers (surprised you can uncheck both).

If you want to trigger on other items, then you need MD turned on and play with sensitivity and other settings, which is what you are doing now.

One thing you could try is to use IVS for human but then set a min object size that may then trigger for critters, but it will be hit or miss.

These cameras are intended for a business environment, so that is why human and vehicles are the AI categories.

If they ever decide to make a residential camera, then maybe some more object detection categories will be added.
No I can't uncheck both can only enable or disable the filter function, one of the two has to be selected as you state but I turned it off under both options.

I thought if I turned the filters off under AI it would trigger if anything crossed a "Tripwire" or anything entered/exiting or moving within the "intrusion box". So I have to pick one at least then filter for size.

I guess I still not clear how it works because as I have it set, if a human, guy from the power company, does one or both of those two things a box surrounds em flashing blue-green then red and the tripwire flashes red signifying that IVS was triggered. And all while I have filter for human or vehicle detection deselected.
How a deer or three can walk around crossing the lines moving in and out of the box, closer to the camera mind ya without triggering it. Another camera gets em from 100+ feet away and it'd not as "feature" packed as the 5442. at that distance hit and miss doesn't surprise me though.

Yea the intended for business aspect, I am using em at a business just not as the manufacture imagined. They do watch for bad guys just not in a well lit parking lot/store. More deer than bad guys back there but that is a good thing!

8-cam DVR covering the entry/parking areas and buildings. I bought IP cam to cover a field at the back of the property. That may change but just having fun with em for now. Started with one then bought a second for down the other end of the field.. well you guys know what happens.

So I'll set it for "human" set a object size trial and error style for a short plump one....not that there is anything wrong with that... until I hit on the correct combination to get hits for humans and the deer.

Thank you for your time, I'll update in a day or two.



IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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The difference is the 5442 has AI and is geared toward human and vehicle detection. In mine, the object detection is greyed out and cannot uncheck it. So if you are able to unselect object detection, human, vehicle then that is probably a bug that it lets you completely uncheck all 3, which is why your IVS is only triggering for human.

I suspect your other camera doesn't have AI, so it is triggering based solely on the min object size that you set.


IPCT Vendor
Nov 8, 2016
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his camera not support animals motion detection anymore, sometiems happen when false alarms, still can't do 100% accurate alarms. Currently our cameras has lead on the smart motion detections. As @wittaj said, it's industrial level cameras, so they focus on human being and the cars.
Normal motion detection has bit too many false alarms.

Make all setting on webpage via its IP address.
Select Event-> Smart Plan,Click IVS and Save




Pulling my weight
Jul 6, 2020
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It does a great job of weeding out anything but humans and automobiles that is for sure, disable "vehicle" detection setting for human only and it ignores my gulf cart until it sees me on it. Then detects me as a human sitting on it capturing the event! It sees the cart just doesn't trigger on it until It sees enough of me to act.

So yea looks like it is a little to advanced for the main reason where I put it. Maybe I'll just buy something cheap to take its place back there and move the 5442 up here in the main area.

I would have thought turning off the filters would have made a difference seen here in the first image.

Object filter is "enabled"

Screenshot 2021-10-28 225914.png

Second image unchecked = object filter disabled.

Screenshot 2021-10-28 225948.png

I thought that allowed it to detect any movement of any human/animal/size etc etc to be detected, as in not limited to human or motor vehicle detection?

And then here I have SMD also disabled,

Screenshot 2021-10-28 230035.png

As well as Motion detection itself disabled.

And yes I can only disable the filter completely I can not uncheck both Human and motor vehicle both with it enabled in either IVS or SMD, with it enabled I have to select one or the other or both.

That was the meat of my question, was it working correctly what does that option effect if not to enable or disable the cameras ability to limit to human, or vehicle, or both detection?

The other camera I have has a question mark in the web gui page with brief instructions as to what settings do what in any given section. The little paper that came in the box with the 5442, QR code/web address for user manual opens in Chinese and translates to The short URL does not exist or has been deleted.

Yea I make all setting changes in the web Gui. I do use SmartPSS to record but do not make setting changes to either camera from within it.

Thank you for your time,



Getting the hang of it
Jan 2, 2018
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When the camera has AI, then IVS is using AI, so when you unselect human or motor vehicle, you won't get IVS triggers (surprised you can uncheck both).

If you want to trigger on other items, then you need MD turned on and play with sensitivity and other settings, which is what you are doing now.

One thing you could try is to use IVS for human but then set a min object size that may then trigger for critters, but it will be hit or miss.

These cameras are intended for a business environment, so that is why human and vehicles are the AI categories.

If they ever decide to make a residential camera, then maybe some more object detection categories will be added.
The 5442 with 20211203 firmware gives you the opportunity to switch the IVS object filter off completely.

When the object filter is on, you have to select at least one of the two options (human and motor vehicle). The AI is great at ignoring steam, leaves and spiders, while still picking out people and cars.

With the object filter off, the AI alerts when other things appear as well as humans and motor vehicle (eg magpies, foxes) but it's not very reliable for those items. For example, one of my cams AI-triggers when the magpies/crows arrive at dawn, but not later on in the day.



Getting the hang of it
Jan 2, 2018
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Setting IVS to detect humans and cars has never triggered for animals on either of my 5442T cams.
Same. I switch the object filter off on some of my cameras because I do want them to trigger on animals. But it doesn't do so reliably.


Pulling my weight
Jul 6, 2020
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I was able to find a user manual on the WWW for the camera,

Page 105 under under "object filter"

Object filter
Select the Object filter check box to enable the function, and then select the
effective object.
 Select Human, and then the alarm will be triggered if any target that fits
for the human trigger rule in the system is detected.
 Select Motor Vehicle, and then the alarm will be triggered if any target
that fits for the motor vehicle trigger rule in the system is detected.
Select no one, and then the alarm will be triggered if any moving object
such as human, vehicle, cat, or dog is detected.

The reason I believe mine isn't working correctly, one to three deer can appear directly centered in the cameras view cross triplines, 10 yards from it in broad daylight and the camera ignores them completely.
The bold section in its wording is a tad misleading or outdated?
I am not trying to deselect both human and vehicle detection with the filter "enabled", nope can't do that, I'm disabling the filter completely as shown in the above post 7 second image.


Pulling my weight
Jul 6, 2020
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Yup exactly I get deer I get raccoons rabbits heck even the cats, no not enough contrast for the camera to detect the rabbits or cats at night. Just to small not enough light even with the IR.

But 4 raccoons solid black against a light background yea, the deer too enough contrast even in the dark. No question in the day light there is sufficient level of contrast, large brown objects walking into frame against a green background.

And yes even with that filter turned off it gets me without fail. Nope I haven't tried it down on hands and knees to appear as a deer?, had hoped not to have to do that test!!


Sep 7, 2021
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I am in the same predicament as xplorer - got IPC T5442T-ZE from Andy and playing with IVS trying to get tripwire for objects meeting certain size.
Can anyone tell what does target filter min and max size do, as well as pixel counter? When you draw them, does the physical positioning on the screen of those rectangular boxes matter?
Thank you.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Max size means if the object is larger than that it will not trigger. Best to leave that at default unless you get too many false triggers.

Min size means the min size you want the camera to trigger on. Since you have a camera with AI, you leave this at 0,0 unless you are getting false triggers, then you set a min size larger than the false trigger (like a dog).

The box for the min and max size is just a representation and the positioning on the screen means nothing.

The pixel counter is simply to measure an object so you know what sizes to put in for a min object size.
Last edited:


Sep 7, 2021
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Thank you wittaj!
I like this IVS.
Even though it might not turn out to be perfect for non-humans and non-motor vehicles, but definitely better than simple video detection which triggers many false positives due to deep shadows, light reflections at night, etc.