IVS, Tripwire, ONVIF, AI Fail

Cor K Dikland

Getting the hang of it
Apr 25, 2019
Ontario, Canada
I was playing around with IVS & tripwires using Web V5 for my IPC-T5442T-ZE. Only minor changes to an existing set of rules. Well, I must have broke something and I have spent hours trying to find a solution. Any trip wire event triggers fine, BI processes it passing onto CodeProject.AI which will almost always return "Nothing found" for a very obvious object (i.e car, person) streaking across the screen. Sometimes AI returns "Occupied" but never identifies the actual object. Before I was playing around with these tripwires this all worked fine without any obvious fails. Hre is what I tried to find and fix this problem:

I removed/re-install Codeproject on either remote or local server.
Rebooted the camera, BI pc and AI servers
I disabled all existing tripwires and created one new one (both directions). It made no difference.
In place of the trip wires I created an intrusion area right around where the tripwires are. Same problem but less frequent (sometimes it actually gets it right).
I disabled ONVIF and enabled BI motion Sensor. All is good. No issues with AI.
All other cameras(all using BI motion sensor) on my system have no issues with AI

Bottom line is I can not tell whether this is a camera/IVS problem or BI problem. Below is a screen shot of IVS rules. At the bottom of the screen is an intrusion area which appears to work but I have only started to look into this.

I feel I have exhausted all my options and am at a loss on where to look nextt

2023-11-20 (12).jpg

2023-11-20 (16).jpg
Thats above my pay grade.....maybe @wittaj
I am using Code project on 2 cams,,,,but I previously put Zones A B & C on one of those cams,,,,so when I added Code project, it was doing something like your saying, So I turned off Zones and went back to basic motion....
but my needs are different than yours....
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Thats above my pay grade.....maybe @wittaj
I am using Code project on 2 cams,,,,but I previously put Zones A B & C on one of those cams,,,,so when I added Code project, it was doing something like your saying, So I turned off Zones and went back to basic motion....
but my needs are different than yours....
Well, I am sure broke something. Everything still works fine but without the object identification. What frustrates me is that it used to work before I decided it needed just a few more tweaks. :angry::lmao:
I have no experience with CodeProject and little with BI but I do have a good deal of experience with Dahua IVS rules.

These may not fix your bigger issues but two observations:
1- I would swap places on your two tripwires as to direction. The vehicle is almost out of frame before it gets completely across the line. Swapping the direction attributes will give IVS more time to recognize and process the trigger.
2- on your Intrusion zone, leave space, maybe 3ft? from the edge of the frame, again so IVS can detect and process. With the bottom line flat against the bottom of the screen, detecting crossing is difficult.
1- I would swap places on your two tripwires as to direction. The vehicle is almost out of frame before it gets completely across the line. Swapping the direction attributes will give IVS more time to recognize and process the trigger.

The tripwires are only there so I can record any activity in front of my home and on the street. The directions is important for my own vehicle. When I cam home in either direction I will not trigger an event until I pull into the driveway .What you are suggesting would cause the trip wire to trigger an event which will still be active when I pull into the drive. Result - No intrusion event because Tripwire event is active. BI logs both events but does nothing with the second event.

2- on your Intrusion zone, leave space, maybe 3ft? from the edge of the frame, again so IVS can detect and process. With the bottom line flat against the bottom of the screen, detecting crossing is difficult.

Good idea.
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Won't solve your problem, but:

I don't use Bi AI on my ivs cameras, the Dahua AI is much more accurate imo, I just let them record if the camera triggered
Regarding Dahua IVS, whether to use BI AI is up to you, but of course, the AI in the camera may be more than sufficient for your needs without needing BI AI. Do you need the orange box around every object? Do you want to identify animals or logos? Or is just human or vehicle sufficient.

The camera AI is useful to many people, but BI has way more motion setting granularity than the cameras, and some people need that additional detail, especially if wanting AI for more than a car or person. For folks that want AI and alerts on animals or specifically a UPS truck then they need the additional AI.

There isn't really a best practice because every field of view is different and use case and needs are different.

To many here, BI motion without AI is more than adequate for what they do.

To many here, camera AI is more than adequate for what they do.

To many here, using the BI AI adds additional functionality that the above alone can not do.

It comes down to testing with each field of view and which one gives you the most consistent results.

While some of that third party stuff is cool like tagging was it a dog or a bear, I don't need all that fancy stuff. If my camera triggers BI to tag an alert for human or vehicle and BI can accomplish what I need by way of a text or email or push or whatever, that is sufficient for my needs. I just want to be alerted if a person or vehicle is on my property and the camera AI does a fine job with that.

However, I do run BI AI on one camera so that it knocks out headlight shine so that the alert image includes the vehicle. The camera AI will trigger for a car, but the alert image was always just the headlights.

The true test....I have found the AI of the cameras to work even in a freakin blizzard....imagine how much the CPU would be maxing out sending all the snow pictures for analysis to CodeProject LOL. My non-AI cams in BI were triggering all night. This picture was ran through Deepstack (without the IVS or red lines on it) and it failed to recognize a person in the picture, but the camera AI did. This pic says it all and the video had the red box over it even in complete white out on the screen:


See this thread on how using just Dahua AI may be sufficient for your needs:

Who uses Dahua AI capable cameras? Reliable AI for triggering events? Pro's/con's?
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Thanks everyone for all your comments and suggestions. After looking into this "problem" it appears this has been ongoing for much longer than I thought. Lots of cancelled alerts going back a week incorrectly labeled with "Nothing Found" each were triggered by either the IVS rule for Trip Wire or Intrusion. In other words, each of these cancelled alerts would have been confirmed alerts (& rightfully so) if they were not sent though CodeProject. :) Guess Iknow what I got to do now