Last night baby zombie door puller 2335

Jack B Nimble

Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
Great White North
This 2335 was only about 18-20 feet away 1080p settings 2.8 lens and still cant really make this shit tard out, other than he is a walking dead. Not sure how to make things better. I can't imagine at that distance things would get better I could try a 4mm lens I have but then lose the wide shot that they make walk into from other side. Camera1-1.jpg
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Known around here
Oct 7, 2015
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the wide angle lens adds some fish-eye distortion, but that's not bad for that cam, i think.

FPS won't get you more detail, but 3MP (@ 4x3) will, as the 1080p (2MP @ 16x9) from that cam is down-sampled.
what bit-rate?

maybe some motion-detection-enabled white lighting in the driveway will discourage such a-holes?


Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
Well, It didn't take you long to learn that these cams are not so great as some claim to be for low light situation without additional light source... fps and resolution isn't going to get rid of the image noise, get more IR, add motion light or get a better cam

Jack B Nimble

Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
Great White North
Figures too the one night I forgot to turn on Blue Iris as well. Running bit rate at 2048 so doubled that now too. I frame was 20 and fps was 10 so double both of those. These images were generated by camera motion which I have on in case I am dumb ass and forget to fire up BI. Issue I am currently having is PC running at 67% with 7 cams mainly all 10fps and 1080p. If I crank them all up I hit 90-100% cpu. So I am about to add some power and see if that gets better or else I get a NVR 77 series or a new PC. This zombie makes the decision for me a little faster. I wish BI had a auto-matic "on" setting for say set at midnight so for those of us that forget to turn it on it does , don't suppose the the new version 4 has that ? have that as I am on V3 still.
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IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
still not alot of pixels even if he cleans that image up, screw 4mm this size drive calls for 8mm-12mm for ID at night.. along with enough lighting.

3 full car lengths? lol, good luck

here's some zombies for you @ 35ft with ~10mm, still not enough but they had masks on and didnt come up the drive cause they spotted the camera.. so not a total failure.

Night Prowlers are really hard to ID, my vehicles dont park up close to any buildings so its zoom required and then still hit and miss results.. especially if everything is secured and they dont hang out for long.
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Jack B Nimble

Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
Great White North
Lol I was waiting for that ! and I will take it as I have given you a lot of shit. Thing is the lighting is not even that bad really as side light was on and I have that street light on my driveway. I will move a 4mm over there as well for the money shot this weekend and added XIR lighting from it will help. But really its like no more than 20 feet away I will show you the crook cam view how close this was. I will be getting a PTZ 10X from Husiun or Imporx if they ever work right (do they yet) lol never mind ?20160425_071906.jpg
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Jack B Nimble

Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
Great White North
Nayr those zombies in your area have pretty cool eyes, twin zombies too boot !. This is a 4mm and will be replaced with probably a 10x or if I sell this boat this weekend a nice PTZ dome probably a Dahua. The driveway camera in this pic is about 100' from where that baby zombie was scratching at my door.View attachment 10200
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IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
zombie eyes such as that are rare, especially two pair of them.. that's the look of 'mmmm, zombie smell camera... no brainz here'

I think most people installing wide angles really want 6mm, and most people getting 6mm really want 12mm.. zoom, its like crack! its never enough hehe :)

Jack B Nimble

Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
Great White North
I like the 2.8 overall for the wide view as I normally just want to see"the big picutre" with three 4mm that take a closer look. Issue is when a walker gets close you want to see it but don't want to give up the view so its a tough call. I think overall having 2.8 on every side of house for a broad view at 8-9 feet off ground has given me the big picture and was the right decision. Naturally when an walker heads in close enough I want to see the teeth. So in my case the weak spot is where they like the driveway and always seem to come up in same spot. It will be addressed with a PTZ and I am liking that toy Imporx 20x or as I appreciate your thoughts the 12x Dalhua black face. It will be a hard pill for the wife but, for $850 cdn I think it will solve alot of guess work. The challenge I will have then is finding one that auto zooms in the area I left it. I wish there was a affordable thermal that could do the work as the auto tracking for the affordable ones would love my trees too much I think.


Mar 27, 2014
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You can't rely on a single cam for the front of the house, you can leave this one as an overall cam as it gives you a wide view and looks great during a day, but add another cam or two with further reach so you have critical areas to cover. I have 4 in the front and will probably add another one, but I have a lot more area to cover.

Jack B Nimble

Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
Great White North
I had four but in this area but it was hard not having the IR blinding the other pointed in opposite direction which is what I had to do. I will dial it in this summer with a solid purchase that meets the demand. I always thought the back lane is where the walkers would come in but nope its always the front street, I should install some drop nets in those trees on them.

I hope a PTZ on a lower chimney out of that scene behind that one camera over the boat will do it just need to decide which one. Those 5 10x you have they don't auto zoom in do they on motion?


Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
The auto zoom would've been very nice, which is something you can get in those 20x cams, but it's not very reliable as far as I know.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
yeah if you want to get all advanced with PTZ's to cut down on cameras your going to be spending just as much on sensors to watch an area as you would a camera..

Its better to have a wide angle camera watching a few zones and telling the PTZ that something is more interesting to look at than the default position.. or sensors of some type, when my door opens up or an outdoor PIR is triggered then the front door PTZ goes into wide angle mode.. otherwise its looking at the driveway.. which is the approach and I get some zoom as they pass by and before the motion sensors trigger it to go wide.

Dahua NVR with Dahua PTZ and a handfull of Dahua fixed cameras with LineCross/Facial Detection and even more sensors tied into the IO is how I get my PTZ's to be more than expensive fixed cams.

PTZ are really nice tho for watching parking, since your unlikely to park in the exact same spot each time you cant really do a real tight focus at night on your cardoors without one.. I have my PTZ watching the car on the street do a nice wide-angle view most of the day, then at night it zooms in on the car-door.. I park in same exact spot every day using landmarks but if someone else parks it or I have a trailer hooked up then I have a way to update the preset easily.
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Jack B Nimble

Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
Great White North
yeah if you want to get all advanced with PTZ's to cut down on cameras your going to be spending just as much on sensors to watch an area as you would a camera..

Its better to have a wide angle camera watching a few zones and telling the PTZ that something is more interesting to look at than the default position.. or sensors of some type, when my door opens up or an outdoor PIR is triggered then the front door PTZ goes into wide angle mode.. otherwise its looking at the driveway.. which is the approach and I get some zoom as they pass by and before the motion sensors trigger it to go wide.

Dahua NVR with Dahua PTZ and a handfull of Dahua fixed cameras with LineCross/Facial Detection and even more sensors tied into the IO is how I get my PTZ's to be more than expensive fixed cams.

PTZ are really nice tho for watching parking, since your unlikely to park in the exact same spot each time you cant really do a real tight focus at night on your cardoors without one.. I have my PTZ watching the car on the street do a nice wide-angle view most of the day, then at night it zooms in on the car-door.. I park in same exact spot every day using landmarks but if someone else parks it or I have a trailer hooked up then I have a way to update the preset easily.
I like that strategy and when I decide on PTZ is it difficult to set it to look at the preset in one of the fixed cameras area of interest in Blue Iris ? or best to go with a NVR ?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Figures too the one night I forgot to turn on Blue Iris as well. Running bit rate at 2048 so doubled that now too. I frame was 20 and fps was 10 so double both of those. These images were generated by camera motion which I have on in case I am dumb ass and forget to fire up BI. Issue I am currently having is PC running at 67% with 7 cams mainly all 10fps and 1080p. If I crank them all up I hit 90-100% cpu. So I am about to add some power and see if that gets better or else I get a NVR 77 series or a new PC. This zombie makes the decision for me a little faster. I wish BI had a auto-matic "on" setting for say set at midnight so for those of us that forget to turn it on it does , don't suppose the the new version 4 has that ? have that as I am on V3 still.
BI doesnt have an automatic on settings because its not supposed to be turned off or on at specific times. No NVR or VMS is. If you wish you can set windows task scheduler to turn it on at a specific time or create a profile that is inactive for all cams and set the system to change to the active profile at a specific time. Adding "more power" to an old system is a waste of time and money.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
I recall seeing talk of BI having pretty damn good support for calling external PTZ Presets through events, but I dont use BI so someone else would be more qualified to answer that.


Known around here
Nov 18, 2014
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2.8 is not much good for ID unless they come right up to the cam. By that I mean if you could hit them with a bat if you were standing at the camera. 4mm is a bit better but generally still a bit dodgy at 20' particularly night unless you have a lot of light. I consider 6mm a minimum for cars parked in a driveway close to the cam if you want a decent chance at ID. To get the wide view then position the 2.8 at an angle to catch everything AND add "specialty" cams with adequate zoom for good ID in key areas like your cars and choke points. Don't worry about seeing a wide area with a specialty cam. Its purpose is for that one money shot of their well-lit face up close. The wide area camera will prove WHAT they did. The specialty cam is to prove WHO did it. Kinda like a license late cam. It won't show everything, just the important details.

Jack B Nimble

Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
Great White North
I agree the 6mm lens would probably be a better idea on that area. In summer the cars are parked in same area most times so I could dial in pretty good. I was at the point of monitoring the whole general areas and the 2.8 and 4mm 's that I am using are perfect for that. Now I am at the ptz stage where I believe a 10x v2 huisun or imporx 20x would be a good overall move. I could play with the ptz on the chimney on my man cottage in back of property but it would still be at low enough height and angle to park it at night on that choke point at the end of driveway at about 100 feet away. Ptz would be fun just can't decide if for same bucks I could add 3 more cameras and leave them.


Known around here
Nov 18, 2014
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Depends on if you have a moving target to protect I guess. You can't cover 3 important spots well with one PTZ. Two fixed cams PLUS a PTZ will give you three spots covered well plus something to play with to look around when you want.

Jack B Nimble

Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
Great White North
Nothing moving for the ptz'stage use its just for when your on and want to piss around. Then park it on the choke point when done playing.