Latest BI update 15 October 2019

It appeared that the late Tuesday Oct 15 fixed the problems noted above however. As of 10:05 AM EST today the message "Blue Iris Evaluation Version" " is back. There has not been any recent updates nor have I made any changes. All my previous recording prior to this date and time are fine. Very annoying
It appeared that the late Tuesday Oct 15 fixed the problems noted above however. As of 10:05 AM EST today the message "Blue Iris Evaluation Version" " is back. There has not been any recent updates nor have I made any changes. All my previous recording prior to this date and time are fine. Very annoying
I've had this issue once where BI will kick into demo mode every couple days; support generated a new key for me and it was fine.

Also I should point out that if everyone needs an easy way to push out updates (after testing), go into the status mode while remotely connected, in the Remotes tab right-click your remote box (or select multiple) and Install Software Update.
I've been away for a few days, so other than BI stopping working from my phone a couple days ago, I may have missed most of the pain. However, I've been unable to get past the dll error. I've reinstalled VC runtime a couple of times, but I still only get version 140. Did everyone else get past this error okay? Anything I'm missing?
I installed the update, and now BI won't run because it can't find vcruntime140_1.dll. I went to the referenced MS site and installed the latest vc runtime, but that still only gives me version 140.
I installed the update, and now BI won't run because it can't find vcruntime140_1.dll. I went to the referenced MS site and installed the latest vc runtime, but that still only gives me version 140.
there is a thread on this.
For some reason I never got any updates to this thread, and I also could not get logged into this forum. I now have some time to follow up.

I had downloaded the wrong version. In haste I'd picked x86, but I have a 64-bit system, so needed x64. That version worked.
This is the exact problem I have, and I cant launch Biv5!
So will try the suggestions above. Thanks!

Tried the MS link to VC++

FATAL error during install..hhmmm
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I don't think I got any install errors. It just looked like it worked, but didn't. Check your system to see if it's 32 or 64 bit Windows. Make sure you are loading the appropriate version. What version of Windows are you using? (7 or 10)
x64bit, Win10Pro

While the system is a 64bit, there are a number of operations that still run 32bit. I wonder if VC++ is one of them? I installed 64bit
You should at least be able to install it. Did you check to see if the file BI is looking for is there?
you'd think. But it fails. I got in touch with BI, and waiting for their suggestion.
There maybe something missing or something blocking, or a service truned off that VC++ looks for needed to install VC++