Laview LV-PC902F2-W 2MP wifi setup problem?

Jul 12, 2015
I ham having problems getting the wifi to work on my Laview LV-PC902F2-W 2MP camera. Works fine via wired ethernet connection. Does not seem to want to connect via wi-fi. It sees my main router and I have entered the correct key. Just will not connect without the wire. Attached images of my settings (I have redacted out the key info).



  • netsettings.JPG
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  • wifisettings.JPG
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  • wlansettings.JPG
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@YanksIn2009, welcome to the forum. First confirm that your router is using TKIP vs the more common AES encrtyption..if that was not the issue, change the wlan static ip to something other than the lan ip...
Also, unrelated to this issue, disable the wps, for security...
Actually I am using not know how I missed that. I switched change though. I then tried a new IP...again no connection. I re-verified the Key is correct and even went through the exercise of copying and pasting it from another device that is working just to make sure. When I disconnect the ethernet cable, it drops connection and does nothing. I disconnect the power and reconnect, and I get nothing but the red alert light. I have no idea.

As to the WPS, I have tried turning it off, but every time I cycle the device it seems to come back on. Do not know whether it is supposed to do that or not. I have it off in my router so it is no big deal anyway.
OK...I figured out what was going on. A couple of poor human interface and documentation issues in the Laview firmware imo.

First off, apparently the camera has a second MAC address not listed on the documentation or the box for wi-fi connectivity. This was being blocked by my MAC filtering on my router. When I tried to use DHCP, I turned off MAC Filtering on the router temporarily and the camera immediately connected with a different MAC address. I added that to the my router MAC filtering list, went back to a static IP (same as the lan one) and turned the mac filtering back on and it works just fine.

Also of note is that not only will the camera immediately go to wi-fi once the proper credentials are entered and saved, it will stay there whether the ethernet cable is plugged in or not. There does not seem to be a way to make it go back to the ethernet wire without going into the firmware of the camera and changing the wi-fi key so it fails. Maybe I am missing something, but you would think the camera would default to ethernet not wi-fi. Not a big deal, but a bit annoying.

Otherwise I must say the camera itself seems to be excellent, esp. for the money.
Great. Note cameras will always have a second mac address (or at least should) for the wifi interface...just like any other device.