Line Crossing / Intrusion detection


Young grasshopper
May 1, 2017
Do Line Crossing / Intrusion detection cause recording? I know motion detection does, but it seems so sensitive that it goes off so much i could never put a siren on this. I'd like to use Line Crossing / Intrusion detection for recording and possibly an alarm. Thanks!
I'd like to use Line Crossing / Intrusion detection for recording and possibly an alarm.
You haven't supplied much (actually not any) detail to help provide an informed response.
Take a step back, put yourself in the seat of the reader, and re-read your post.

With what NVR system? Hikvision, Dahua, Blue Iris, Milestone etc etc.
Will I do apologize if I did not provide enough information. I guess I thought that what I was asking was an industry-standard type Behavior. Again my apologies. I have an oem branded Hikvision NVR with OEM branded Dome cameras. I would eventually like up a siren to alert me for activity that could be nefarious. My question is this, with this type of setup Woodlane Crossing and intrusion detection alone cause my NVR start recording the events. In other words do I have to enable motion detection in addition Two Line crossing and intrusion detection in order for my NVR to record the events? I ask this because it seems that the motion detection is way too sensitive I mean this thing starts recording every time a mosquito and I have it on the lowest setting of 20. I would like to continue using motion detection to record. I would simply not apply any trigger to the detection. However I would like to set up an alarm such as a siren or an email alert in order to be notified that there is an intruder but would also like the NVR to record those events as well. I guess what I'm asking is will either type of action, motion, intrusion detection, and Line crossing cause my NVR to start recording? Thank you very much in advance. My apologies for not providing enough information from the beginning.
Generally speaking, for anything other than Motion Detection to trigger a recording on a NVR, the brand of camera must match the brand of the NVR.

I started with a Hikvision camera using Synology Surveillance Station as my NVR. Motion Detection on the Hik could start a recording on that NVR, but Smart Events like Line Crossing and Intrusion Detection could not. The best I could do with those was have the camera send emails when those events were triggered. Since Motion Detection was still enabled, it would record the action, as well. So the NVR was full of "false events" (from Motion Detection being too sensitive) and real events that Motion Detection also caught. I'd have to look at the time stamp on the email to figure out where the event recording was in the NVR.

I now have a Dahua NVR with that Hik camera plus five Dahua cameras. The Hik can still only trigger Motion Detection on that NVR, whereas the Dahua cameras can do that and also trigger recordings for events like Tripwire, Intrusion Detection, etc.
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I guess I thought that what I was asking was an industry-standard type Behavior.
will either type of action, motion, intrusion detection, and Line crossing cause my NVR to start recording?
Yes, that is their purpose. But -
The support for these 'Smart Event' types of video analytics is proprietary. It varies with each manufacturer's IP cameras and NVRs.
For best support, using the same brand for NVR and IP camera is recommended, though the firmware versions of both devices also influences the outcome.
Here is an example of a Hikvision NVR (7816N-E2/8P) with a Hikvision camera (DS-2CD2032)


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Does motion detection actually have to be turned on or can you just enable Line crossing and intrusion detection this way I can test it?
For testing, turn off MD and see if the others work. They may require having schedules and stuff set (in addition to enabling them).
Okay I think I have the scheduling all set up already and everything enable I will try that. Thank you again all for your information I appreciate it and again I'm sorry I didn't provide enough information at the beginning. I'm usually the guy that doesn't like that as well, but being a newbie here I don't know what's what
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ugh, sadly it didn't record..all my my equip is oem branded hikvision and all the interfaces look the same, and it lets me set up line crossing and intrusion detection. This is frustrating.
I use IVS (line cross and intrusion zone). MD is not enabled. Works well.
I record 24/7, not just when an event occurs. Disc cost is low, compared to missing something because IVS (or MD) didn't trip.
Secondly, if IVS on cam #1 triggers, I like have recordings from cam #2,3,4, etc. (which didn't trigger)
I have strobe lights set up, they go on when there's an IVS event. Works well.

Instead of struggling to make sure that "Record on Event" is rock solid dependable, consider recording 24/7. The when viewing Playback, check the timeline for the orange IVS events. Just in case you worried that recording 24/7 would require you slog through hours and hours of recordings to find events. (ie: just in case you thought that was the benefit of "Record on Event")

For me, there is no benefit for record on event. My 2TB drive stores 7 days of recording from 6 cams, all 24/7 recording.

I wish IVS/Smart Events worked when the camera and NVR models aren't the same. That would save a lot of headaches for folks.
As far as i know they are both oem hikvision. Shouldn't they be the same?
@Fastb maybr i'll try that, so go continuous, then enable ivs, then when in playback you can just select the events?
when in playback you can just select the events?

Absolutely! In the Playback timeline, Green is normal. IVS or MD show as Orange or Yellow. So you can quickly scoot to those "events"

So many times, when the IVS triggers, it's after the person/critter/car finally broke the tripwire. In Playback, I start watching on the green timeline, in advance of the yellow/orange spot on the timeline.

Secondly, in playback, you can view the "events". And click to go from event to event. Their all in the file list.

Lastly, if you ever want to download video footage of an event in interest, you cn pick the "time" of the start and end. My downloads usually include "green" and "orange" portions of my playback timeline.
My setup must be a lower level the web interface shows nothing but continuous recording, my NVR console does show smart events in green but i guess i have to be at the console.

Do i have it setup wrong? See pics, at 6:36:59 i def set of a "alarm" I got an email and i heard the NVR beep. The trigger is the IVS, the alarm is what happens right, Audible Warning, email, Notify Surveillance Center etc.. correct? That's under linkage method..

I think i am getting closer, if the correct alarming is working i can attempt to use a siren or strobe, but no one will appreciate if they are going off all the time.

I got a line crossing because a bug or fuzzy particle crossed the line.



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It looks like you are missing the required tickbox 'Notify Surveillance Centre'

*edit* Also - is it intended that you have all channels triggered for recording?
And recording is set for Continuous - is that intended, or do you want to only record on events?
Though generally 'continuous' is a better choice, with motion / alarm / event also active so that these analytics (actually it's only motion that shows) can be seen on the playback timeline.
So that was was a recommendation from @Fastb which seems to work the best so far...

So when we say channels that is cameras correct? I think the purpose is that if it detects a smart event or ivs alert it triggers all cameras to look for additional activity and email pics from all "channels"

I have it on continuous so it doesn't "pickup" too much motion, With motion detection enabled it picked up too much on the lowest sensitivity. Even with the grid on the screen tuned. Also i only have 4 Cameras and with a 2TB drive a week or so should be enough, if not i'll toss in another 2TB or a 4TB.

On that note, when adding 2 drives, is it spanned or can you do RAID 1?

I also plan on sending this to a NAS, once i build that.

What exactly does Notify Surveillance Centre do?

Here is what i want to accomplish, if someone could kindly help with the settings.

  • Set up line crossing alerts with 30 sec pre/post recording, an email with pictures
  • Set up Intrusion detection with 30 sec pre/post recording, an email with pictures
  • Eventually when finely tuned set up a siren and strobes. I can't do this if i am getting too many false alarms.

Is there a difference between alarms, alerts

Again i think the cameras are "matched" with the NVR so i think the features should work.

Again, I really appreciate the assistance with this matter.
you are missing the required tickbox 'Notify Surveillance Centre'
FWIW, I don't have that box checked. I haven't hired a "Surveillance Centre" to professionally monitor my system. Also, I don't have an ip addr to enter for the "Surveillance Center".

when we say channels that is cameras correct?
Correct. On the IVS alert, you can record with multiple cameras. I guess this would be useful if you only record after an event. If recording 24/7, I don't see a benefit in having the non-event cameras record (since they're recording already). Also, in the timeline, I prefer to see only the "event cam" have the IVS event marked.

Is there a difference between alarms, alerts
Alarm: An output of the NVR. The Alarm output "NO or NC" is used to turn on strobe lights, sirent, etc.
Alarm: also an input to the NVR. NC or NO. I have a laser line that is connected to an alarm input, and this Alarm input triggers an Event and hence, an alert is sent, just as when an IVS event occurs.
Alert: A Push Notification, an email, an NVR buzzer, etc. In general, something to "Alert" you an IVS event has occurred.

with motion / alarm / event also active so that these analytics (actually it's only motion that shows) can be seen on the playback timeline.
Hmmm. On my NVR (model is in signature at bottom), the playback timeline displays multiple colors. (ie: it's not only motion that shows). My timeline shows:
Green: normal
Orange: IVS event
Red: Local "Alarm Input" (ie: my laser line) wired to the NVR's Alarm Input contacts.
Blue: Marks MD events (which I don't have enabled)
Secondly, in Playback, a file list is available. The events are specified in the list, ie: IVS, Local Alarm, MD, etc.

@Fastb mine also displays multiple colors but only on the NVR console not on the web GUI this is all really helpful information I appreciate the help. That's cool I didn't realize you could set up laser trip wires
On your oem branded Hikvision NVR web GUI Playback timeline - do you have a 4-way selection icon at the bottom left of the Playback screen?
In Hikvision NVRs, this was introduced in the 3.4.80 firmware.
To select and see the red motion marking lines on the continuous timeline, the view needs to be in single-camera mode, and playing :
Secondly, in Playback, a file list is available. The events are specified in the list, ie: IVS, Local Alarm, MD, etc.
On the Hikvision NVR, there is no event file list - this is specific to the Dahua NVRs.