Logitech alert 700e - Second-hand - Power on but No IP address from DHCP


Apr 10, 2021
Hi !

A friend gave me 2 logitech Alert 700e camera he bough years ago and almost never used. When I connect them to my existing logitech alert camera network the same way as I do with 3 existing 700e, then the 2 new one are not visible under my router page.
It seems they are not recognized by my network.

The 2 new camera have the same behavior :
  • 2 Network LED Green and Orange are ON
  • 2 IR LED are ON
  • Bottom Status LED OFF (It's possible my friend deactivated it but he doesn't remember)
I tried with no success :
  • to echange the non working new camera with a working one by connecting the new one at the same cable but same behavior.
  • To reset by pressing the reset button with a paper clip for 10 second, the green network LED blink once and that's all.
  • Checked my router for any mac filtring but it's deactivated so the issue does not come from my network apparently.
  • Launched the logitech alert application (New camera not recognized, Old ones recognized)
  • Format SD card (NTFS)
  • Remove completly the SD card
Does anyone have an idea on how to make it work?

Thanks in advance!
Launched the logitech alert application (New camera not recognized, Old ones recognized)
This tool may not find cameras on a different subnet from the PC. I'm guessing though.

Suggestions :
Ask you friend what IP address range his network uses - it's probably not the same as yours.
Temporarily change the PC IP address to be in the same range, and see if the Logitech search tool finds the cameras.

Install wireshark.
With nothing else (eg browser) running on the PC, start wireshark.
The default settings should work OK, this is confirmed by it showing a small moving traffic graph.
Start wireshark network capture, the icon on the top left of the menu bar.
Power on the camera.
After 2 or 3 minutes, stop the recording and review what was captured.
With luck, you will see a few broadcasts from the camera which should give away it's IP address.
If you need help to interpret the capture, save it and zip it up and attach here.
I may be able to help, I started with a Logitech Wilife system, then upgraded to an Alert system, before going down the rabbit hole of IP cameras and Blue Iris. I actually had a mix of Wilife and Alert cameras running in Blue Iris 3/4. We will diagnose the connection issue first.

I would guess that by pressing the reset on the bottom of the camera it would clear any settings from the camera in regards to previous network settings, but then there's the relationship between what the camera is doing and the powerline adapter. I've never seen the MAC address of the powerline adapter in the router listings, only the device connected to the adapter. But then the Alert software has the ability to put a password on the powerline network, so there's potentially that complication.

The LED switch on the side of the powerline adapter will turn ALL the LEDs either on or off.
Where the network cable from the camera plugs in to the powerline adapter, you should see a steady orange light, and a blinking green light. You should also see a steady orange light and blinking green light on the LEDs on the camera where the network cable plugs in (by the SD card slot).

Did you get a powerline adapter with each of the new cameras? Or did you plug into an existing and running powerline adapter?

Did you power cycle the powerline adapter after you connected the new camera? (all of them, the individual camera adapter and the master adapter, which is the one that has the network cable going to your router or switch, the camera adapters have a yellow ring around the network plug, the main adapter has a blue ring around the network plug)

Did your friend apply a password to his powerline adapter network? This may prevent new cameras from being seen by the Alert software, but I would think you would still see the MAC address for the hardware in the router if an IP number was assigned. If a password was put on the adapter, you will not see the camera, unless you connect a reset camera to one of your adapters with no password. (or...diagnose the camera by itself via the method below)

If so, you plugged in the new camera and adapter, but do not see a new DHCP assigned IP address in your router?

If your router gives this information, you can verify by seeing if either the MAC address of the new camera shows up in the list. The MAC address for the camera is under the door where the SD card goes.

If you have a POE switch, you can further diagnose the issue.

I can connect one of my Alert camera directly to my POE switch and see the camera in the router device listing. If you try this diagnostic method, and connect the camera directly to a POE switch, and the camera is working normally, it will boot up, the LED on the bottom of the camera will go from purple, to blue, to flashing red and orange, then blank. At this time, the LEDs located by the network plug on the camera should be steady orange, and flashing green. Please note, the status LEDs on the camera when connected to a POE switch will NOT be the same as when connected to the powerline adapter. This is only to diagnose if the camera is working. The only problem with connecting a camera this way is that I don't think the camera will be seen by the Logitech Alert software, the software is looking for cameras on a powerline adapter network. But I do see the camera in Blue Iris. I can help you with setting up Alert cameras in Blue Iris later if you're interested.
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This may or may not apply to your situation, and we won't worry about this at this time, but another idea you may try is to try a different outlet for the powerline adapter. I am unfamiliar with electrical systems in EU, but typically in the US residential there are two sides in a circuit box, typically called "trees". I have seen reports that powerline adapters on a tree different than the master host adapter may have communication issues. This could also be dependent on the robustness of the powerline network type being used (Homeplug AV1, AV2, Gh.n, etc.). To the best of my research abilities, the Alert system uses Homeplug AV1 network type. I would recommend that if you have more than one powerline network, temporarily disable the other one while you are diagnosing your Alert system. I have never read anything positive about having two different network types of powerline adapters co-existing. Some more information is that if you live in a multi-residential complex, you may not have much control over which outlets go to which feeder tree. But knowing this information is good, because if that is the case, it would be possible for someone else located on the same system to possibly see your cameras thru the powerline adapter. This is why Logitech implemented the password option on the powerline adapter network. It's unlikely, since the Alert system was deprecated years ago, but something you should be aware of as we proceed. I do know that my system worked fine with 6 Alert cameras on different trees of the circuit box.

Don't let my second post overwhelm with information. We'll gather data now and go from there. I still have functioning Alert hardware so probably in a pretty good position to help you. Concentrate on what I put in the first post....first.
Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for your replies.
It took me time to gather informations from my Poe switch as the admin panel have been developped with a Java applet, a technology that does not work anymore with our actual computers.
I tried many things including running a Windows XP VM to make it work but with no succes. I finally chose to install LIBRENMS to access to the Switch via SNMP and it worked!! Finally!!

Please have a look at what I get from the ethernet port (g1) where is connected one of my "new" non working camera:

Capture d’écran 2021-04-26 181516.png

Please find here the data I get from a working camera (port g6):
Capture d’écran 2021-04-26 181641.png

Wherever I connect the camera, the poe swith or the power adapter then the result is the same:
20210426_182710[1].jpg 20210426_183305[1].jpg
Aswers to questions :
Did you get a powerline adapter with each of the new cameras? Or did you plug into an existing and running powerline adapter?
I tried both with same results

If so, you plugged in the new camera and adapter, but do not see a new DHCP assigned IP address in your router?
Correct, the new cameras are not is visible on the router while the old one are present

Next try will be with wireshark I guess.
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I tried with wireshark but there is nothing related with the new cameras. I also searched for the start of the Mac adresse related with logitech but I found nothing also :(
I tried to modify the network range and searched for the cameras with Alert but it found nothing.
I don't have any experience using wireshark. It was marketed as a "plug and play" system, there really isn't an interface to check settings in, that's not what the target market was. If I saw a camera that wasn't following the expected way it was supposed to function, the usual fix was to reset the camera to defaults. If that didn't work, I removed the camera from service. You already tried that, and you don't see the mac of the camera being assigned an IP address in the router/switch, it should be relatively straightforward. You may want to check these out as a reference just to be sure we didn't miss something. This site is an amazing reference for the Alert camera system. Compare your camera LED status to the chart on the site below. To me, if you reset the camera, and have the camera connected directly to the POE switch, that would be down to a basic level of diagnostics. From your pictures, it kind of looks like the LED's are how they are supposed to be.

Depending on what your status lights are doing, I did find a reference to an Alert camera going into some type of test mode and losing track of its own mac address. The fix involves running a script from the SD card. Whether this is applicable or not, or whether you want to try, is up to you.

The manual forgot to mention that you can deactivate the LED status (The one under the camera, not the one near the Ethernet port) from the Alert software. I do think my friend did that because at night it's too visible from the far.
Привет !

Друг подарил мне две камеры Logitech Alert 700e, которые он купил много лет назад и почти никогда не использовал. Когда я подключаю их к существующей сети камер Logitech Alert так же, как я подключаю три существующих 700e, два новых не отображаются на странице моего маршрутизатора.
Кажется, они не распознаются моей сетью.

Две новые камеры ведут себя одинаково:
  • 2 Индикатор сети Зеленый и оранжевый горят
  • 2 ИК-светодиода горят
  • Нижний индикатор состояния выключен (возможно, мой друг отключил его, но он не помнит)
Я безуспешно пытался:
  • заменить нерабочую новую камеру на рабочую, подключив новую к тому же кабелю, но с тем же поведением.
  • Для сброса необходимо нажать кнопку сброса со скрепкой и удерживать ее 10 секунд, зеленый светодиод сети мигнет один раз и все.
  • Проверил мой маршрутизатор на наличие фильтрации Mac, но он деактивирован, поэтому проблема, по-видимому, не связана с моей сетью.
  • Запустил приложение logitech alert (Новая камера не распознается, Старые распознаются)
  • Форматирование SD-карты (NTFS)
  • Полностью извлеките SD-карту
Есть ли у кого-нибудь идеи, как заставить его работать?

Заранее спасибо!
Привет дорогой друг, у меня такая же камера и та же проблема. скажите пожалуйста, вы решили проблему с камерой?
I had a similar issue with some Logitech cameras I picked up at a flea market in sacramento california. They wouldn’t connect at first either. What helped me was checking if the cameras needed a firmware update or if there was a compatibility issue with my network settings.

I also found that power-cycling the cameras and router a few times sometimes did the trick. And just to be sure, double-check your router settings to make sure nothing’s blocking new devices.
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