Poor cat. Didn't look ok to me at the end, trying to run but running kind of sideways and limping. Those would have been two dead coyotes and I am not even a cat person. I just love animals, but those coyotes went out of their way to attack the cat. Looks like someone came out and scared them off, thought I saw a shadow of a person opening a door.
Agreed, and another reason to keep your cats inside.:A responsible pet owner should keep their defenseless cat inside the house
Went out of their way to attack? They are animals and hunting ones at that doing what nature made them to do. They don't have the mentality to say oh yeah hey can't touch that cat cause it's a humans pet. I don't get why people get all crazy on videos like this when animals hunt to survive just like humans. A responsible pet owner should keep their defenseless cat inside the house. Irony how we put laws place to protect domestic cats and dogs yet that one way street doesn't apply to what's been around longer then we have. Unless they are on your property killing cattle etc etc then let nature run its course
Agreed. People want to play the victims, but it's these wild animals that are the victims. Take care of your pet and it WILL NOT get out. If you want to have an "outdoor cat", don't be surprised when something happens to it.
It most places it is legal for your pet to be outside on your property, but once it has set foot on someone else's, the animal is still trespassing. Anyone letting their pets trespass are being irresponsible owners.
We have many cats that come and kill for fun on our property. I have to pick up the carcasses. Whether the coyotes do it for fun or not, the cats do the same. If someone is threatening to shoot coyotes outside, why not also shoot the cats doing the exact same thing to other animals lower on the food chain? Both nuisances.
If there wasn't so much food, the coyotes would go elsewhere. Around here they stick around for a reason - irresponsible owners not containing their pets - the coyotes aren't where all the rabbits and squirrels are located.
I know farmers have their own issues, but this is obviously a residential area - doesn't apply.
my 'outdoor' cat was 16 years old, and its outdoor activities were limited to sleeping on the back patio in the summer via cat door.. never left my back yard or trespassed anywhere.. they trespassed into my yard, over my 7ft privacy fence..
but keep telling your self that nonsence when your surrounded by 3 angry dogs taking bites at yeh because you tried to haze one off at 2am.. poor victims getting harassed by the human, why cant they just kill in peace.. they have attacked children in my town, taken pets off leashes before owner even stood a chance of knowing what was going on and slaughter geese so rapidly at the local parks the rangers actually hunt them there.
farmers have the ability to shoot the fuckers, I do not.. even in my yard, discharging a firearm is illegal.. farmers can instill fear by taking a few out every now and again.. residential area just has to tolerate them? bullshit, im smack dab in the middle of 3 million people.. wild packs of dogs lost there ground long time ago.. there is nothing natural about this area, its all man made.. so whats allowing them to roam accomplish? jack shit.
We decided letting people's dogs run loose was socially unacceptable and will take your dog and put it down if it gets picked up.. yet oh poor coyotes, they have no place left in all the world, so few remain... waaaabluance
"Take care of your pet and it WILL NOT get out."
Even responsible owners will have an escapee sometimes. Evidently you lead a nice quiet life with no dogs or cats. It is amazing how sneaky and fast they can be. It is amazing how they can shoot between departing companies legs, or grandchildren wanting to "help" because the dog/cat asked them to let them out, or any number of reasons. Luckily I live on an acre of which 3/4's of it is chain linked fenced. I have 3 dogs, a boxer pit, a dwarf pit, and a pug. The pug I don't worry about getting out because he is 15 years old and slow. But the other two can be like greased pigs if they see something outside that catches their attention when someone opens the door unexpectedly and is not prepared for the bum rush. But even though we are fenced in if my dogs are out, I am out with them because there are wild critters that get in our yard.