Looking for advice on a local storage only camera system

I have followed your advice and used IVS to set tripwires. I have not set any scenes as I don't understand them yet. There are indeed a lot of alerts which is expected. These are the 2 entrance/exits for the HOA with 183 homes. I also expect I'll need to make adjustments. Mostly I'll just be reacting if something happens inside the neighborhood, like the door checkers. Then I'd pull up the cams and look at the alerts in the appropriate timeframe. The exception to this is the top right cam I have a 1-way tripwire since we've had an issue with people driving in thru the exit side of the island. I plan to either check this weekly or have the NVR send an email alert. Ideally this one would actually flag the views for both cameras so I get the front and back of the car. I know there is a way to do that, just haven't chased it yet.

After I get the basics working the way I want I'll need to make adjustments to evening and night. Currently during twilight the video is too blurry to read tags. Pretty sure we're going to add a couple of spotlights to help with the nighttime views.

OK, something I do at an entrance to my old 'hood is to set separate tripwires/intrusion zones specifically for vehicles and humans and directional..like you have the top right "wrongway" tripwire.
And yes each rule can have its own email alert.

I tend to review footage over coffee of just the humans from the night before. Door checkers rarely come in a vehicle and mostly operate at night.

The I only check the vehicle trips if there is an issue or a suspicion. With 183 homes yeah you're going to have 400-500 alerts per day from vehicles
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My tripwire IVS is working to record the cars driving in thru the exit. 1 of them even took the opportunity to have their passenger toss their drink cup onto the island...lovely. I've also realized I can set it to record both cameras when this triggers...so I get front and back. I've set it to email when these events happen but not getting the email. The test emails come thru. Do I need to do something more than this??

Do you have email set as an action on the camera also?

If so it may have to do with image attachments
Bigredfish, ahhh, thank you. Didn't occur to me it needed to be in the camera. I was thinking it would just be an alert rather than an attached clip. I've set that now and will see how that works.
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Using Gmail?

I dont have it handy but there's a certain thing you need to do with Gmail and apps...?

here's a few threads
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I'm not using Gmail. I have my own domain at Ionos though now that I think about it, I should change it to the Gmail that I have setup for the HOA. I will look up that app pword setting. thank you !!
I went in to change it, and noticed this...I guess the TEST works even when not enabled. Going to try changing accounts anyway.
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The emails are working now and include a picture. I also get a 2nd email telling me that it is clear. I don't see a way to turn that off but certainly not a big deal. Thank you to everyone and especially @bigredfish for the help !!