Looking for advice on security system/cameras

Your all-in-one impassa system is the main "keypad". Did you have other wireless keypads in other locations? You may be able to reuse them, but I prefer hard wired keypads.

The basic panel is a circuit board, generally it will come with a metal cabinet. A transformer, battery, and wired keypad are required. You often see bundles that include all of the above. To use wireless sensors a wireless receiver is required this can be installed in the panel or is built into some keypads.

I'd expect you to find the installation process difficult. I think you've got a steep learning curve ahead. How many sensors do you have currently?

I don't install alarms regularly, meddling with them is just a hobby. For DSC panels their DLS5 software is by far the nicest way to program them. Forget about your ADT Pulse garbage and sell what you can on ebay.

I have 1 wireless keypad. 1 dsc impassa key pad. 3 door sensors , 4 window sensors. 3 smokes. 1 co sensor. My adt pulse net gear hub is dead. I went to Home Depot and I noticed they make a wink hub, Can I use this hub and connect directly with my keypad and sensors by programming it on the phone app? I'm going to remove the cameras totally and do a separate system. If the wink hub wouldn't work is there something similar? I would really just like to use the wireless devices since they are new.
No, I don't think you understand how the systems works. All of the wireless sensors communicate directly to the alarm panel, which in your case is the main keypad you posted a picture of earlier. The ADT pulse hub connects to the alarm panel so you can control it remotely and get alerts. That's all it does, it has nothing to do with how the system functions. The ONLY way you can reuse those sensors is if you install another DSC alarm system. Those sensors cannot be interfaced with any type of hub. Since you stated you wanted to self-monitor without a monthly fee, you will need to replace it with a DSC PowerSeries 1832 with an Envisalink 4.
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You basically have 2 options for continuing to use your existing sensors:
1. install a DSC PC1832 and keypad with wireless receiver and an EVL4 so you can self monitor. It's pretty clear this would be quite difficult for you, and you'd want to consider hiring someone to set it up.
2. keep the system more or less the same but switch to a cheaper monitoring company like geoarm or alarm relay for around $15-20/month. This would be an easier setup.

No matter what the ADT cams and pulse hub are dead to you.
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Alright, Well my adt dsc keypad has the flashing trouble triangle. It says Communications. Alt comm. and service required. Any advice ? Also wondering If I did a factory reset could I reinstall the door sensors around the house ( door-window-motions-smoke/cos) ? How would I do this? I'm going to remove the cameras since they are junk.
Alright, Well my adt dsc keypad has the flashing trouble triangle. It says Communications. Alt comm. and service required. Any advice ? Also wondering If I did a factory reset could I reinstall the door sensors around the house ( door-window-motions-smoke/cos) ? How would I do this? I'm going to remove the cameras since they are junk.
Don't do a factory reset, you don't wan't to completely reprogram the impassa. If you were going to head down that road you should just put in an PC1832.

If you want to keep using your impassa system it's only useful in 2 ways as a local noise maker and if you pay for monitoring from someone. If you're going to pay for less expensive monitoring, that company will generally help with any programming changes you need to make.

If you want to self monitor at no monthly cost and use your sensors the only option is to upgrade to a PC1832.
Don't do a factory reset, you don't wan't to completely reprogram the impassa. If you were going to head down that road you should just put in an PC1832.

If you want to keep using your impassa system it's only useful in 2 ways as a local noise maker and if you pay for monitoring from someone. If you're going to pay for less expensive monitoring, that company will generally help with any programming changes you need to make.

If you want to self monitor at no monthly cost and use your sensors the only option is to upgrade to a PC1832.

That's what I want to do now is just make it as a local noise maker. I still have the three troubles and every hour it will beep non stop until I scroll through the zones. The key pad did lock me out last week but I don't know the installers code or master code.
Here's a video on trouble conditions:

You can get the installation manual here under documents:
Self-Contained 2-Way Wireless Security System - SCW9057 | DSC IMPASSA Security Products | DSC

The master code is used to arm and disarm as well as change other user codes and set the time. You probably know the master code.

The installer code is used to change to programming of the system. ADT systems generally all use the same installer code and with a little googling it's pretty easy to find out, I'm not going to post it here but I will say most of the digits are sequential. You may need to adapt instructions you find for a honeywell panel to your dsc panel using the installation manual or other youtube videos. You can disable the alternate communicator in section 382.
Here's a video on trouble conditions:

You can get the installation manual here under documents:
Self-Contained 2-Way Wireless Security System - SCW9057 | DSC IMPASSA Security Products | DSC

The master code is used to arm and disarm as well as change other user codes and set the time. You probably know the master code.

The installer code is used to change to programming of the system. ADT systems generally all use the same installer code and with a little googling it's pretty easy to find out, I'm not going to post it here but I will say most of the digits are sequential. You may need to adapt instructions you find for a honeywell panel to your dsc panel using the installation manual or other youtube videos. You can disable the alternate communicator in section 382.

I don't know the master code. I googled ADT installer codes and none of them are working. I am still getting the three troubles system tamper, communications, and alternative communications. I've tried entering so many installer codes that now the keypad is in lock out. I've tried 5555 , 6321, 1234, 4321 for the installer codes. If I do a reset is there a video on YouTube of how to reinstall my devices myself? And if this is possible how do I reset it to factory?
I don't know the master code. I googled ADT installer codes and none of them are working. I am still getting the three troubles system tamper, communications, and alternative communications. I've tried entering so many installer codes that now the keypad is in lock out. I've tried [] for the installer codes. If I do a reset is there a video on YouTube of how to reinstall my devices myself? And if this is possible how do I reset it to factory?
If you go into and view each trouble and then hit # a couple times, it will silence the trouble beeps for some time even just *2## might get the job done. Whenever it does its next comm test and fails the beeps will start again. If it's still beeping you'd need to enter something more like *20#4#6##

If you try too many codes too quickly it will lock you out for 10 min iirc. To enter programming the ready check mark must be solid, then you hit *8[installercode] and the screen should say "enter section". If you get it wrong an "error tone", press # a couple times and try again. They were always particular at the forum now known as shieldlab about not posting the a d t installer code. This is for a honeywell panel but contains what is typically the installer code: http://library.ademconet.com/MWT/fs2/0/3152.PDF
If the account number is written down anywhere you might try the last 4 digits of that.

If you do a reset you lose all your programming so it's kind of an option of last resort. Also if you reset it and have to start over, personally I'd rather just upgrade to a PC1832. There are instructions in the installer manual and videos online that will help.

Power down the system, unplug the wall adapter and the battery for a few seconds then plug it back in. If the installer lockout is enabled you'll hear the phone relay click 10 times, this means you won't be able to reset the panel and the only option is to replace it.
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I've already said this, the master code is not the installer code.

Do you know any codes that arm and disarm the system?
I don't know any codes.
You can only enter installer programming if the system is disarmed and ready. That means no padlock light and the green check mark must be on. If any of your sensors have dead or missing batteries it could prevent the system from being ready.

If you try an installer code (eg. *8 5555) and it doesn't work (long continuous tone sounds, doesn't display enter section), press ### and wait until the time is displayed again before you try another code. Don't try more than about 2 per minute, if you enter lockout it will give you a longer beep for each keypress. You might want to try the last 4 digits of the imei number and sim card number.

The lockout that occurs when you enter the wrong code is temporary and resets after a while. If you heard a series of clicks when you powered up the panel the installer lockout is enabled which makes it so you can't change anything unless you know the installer code.

Go back and read some of the suggestions on the previous page again and look at the installer manual.

If you were to default the system, a proprietary ADT panel will default to ADT's default installer code and not the one you find in the DSC manual (5555)
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I figured out the installers code. But I don't know the master code. Is there a way to reset the master code? And is there a list of sections for the installer code? I'm still looking to shut off general system tamper, alt comm, comm trouble. I am just looking to make this a stand alone system.
I figured out the installers code. But I don't know the master code. Is there a way to reset the master code? And is there a list of sections for the installer code? I'm still looking to shut off general system tamper, alt comm, comm trouble. I am just looking to make this a stand alone system.
Yes to all of the above assuming the system is disarmed. You need to read the installation manual and watch some youtube videos.
If you make or buy an appropriate adapter, you can plug the panel into your computer and change settings with the DLS5 software which works pretty well.

Here are a few sections of interest
007 Master code
380 [1] First communicator, enable/disable communications
382 [5] Third communicator enable/disable alternate communications module (cellular).

General system tamper should clear once you put the panel back on the wall and view the troubles by pressing *2

Here's the link to the installation manual again:
this one is for a slightly newer panel: http://cms.dsc.com/download.php?t=1&id=17246

Here's the user manual:

I suggest you also do some reading in the DSC section of this forum:
DSC Security Systems. Technical Support and Frequently Ask Questions
You'll need to replace any weak sensor batteries like your missing smoke detector battery.
There are also a few communications test settings and telephone line monitoring settings you may need to disable.

I don't remember if simply disabling some of the communications options is enough or not.