Looking for suggestions to replace Dahua eyeball cam for coverage including packages left below. Boobie cam, wedge or panoramic?


Getting the hang of it
Jun 5, 2021
Ontario, Canada
Changing front door 2.8mm eyeball / turret Dahua camera located on soffit ceiling. Would like to see individuals at door as well as packages which are typically left in corner below camera. Debating between Dahua panoramic or dual aka boobie cam. Don't think the wedge cam will capture the location I'm aiming for but have not used one. Suggestions welcome for those who have been in a similar situation and resolved issue.


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I'm using a Dahua wedge with 2.8mm lens. Camera is mounted 70 inches AFF. Perfect face shots but cannot see packages directly below. Fortunately most packages are placed further out within view.

I had planned to upgrade to a ""boobie" cam (already purchased). But during testing I learned only one side has IVS. I need both to support IVS, so it appears I'll have to install a second camera high above.

- Thomas


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The 2MP boobie cam only allows one IVS camera, but the 4MP version allows IVS on both cameras.

But if you have the 2MP version, use the IVS for the one looking out, and then motion detection for the one looking down - you can play with the settings to get it to not trigger too many false.
... the 4MP version allows IVS on both cameras.
Good to know 4MP boobie can do it. But I misspoke; I actually need IVS on one camera and face detection on the other. Apparently Dahua does not offer a boobie cam that can do that.

- Thomas
It offers face detection. You cannot specify IVS for one and face on the other?
imho sometimes 2 cameras are better than one on the front door area ..
I'm using a Dahua wedge with 2.8mm lens. Camera is mounted 70 inches AFF. Perfect face shots but cannot see packages directly below. Fortunately most packages are placed further out within view.

I had planned to upgrade to a ""boobie" cam (already purchased). But during testing I learned only one side has IVS. I need both to support IVS, so it appears I'll have to install a second camera high above.

- Thomas
When this camera is mounted on the wall can the camera be positioned to 0? I only see manufacturers info showing these cameras mounted on a ceiling.
When this camera is mounted on the wall can the camera be positioned to 0? I only see manufacturers info showing these cameras mounted on a ceiling.

Good question. I installed it over two years ago and I don't recall how much wiggle room was available for aiming. Mine is mounted on the right door trim, aimed 45 degrees down and 45 degrees to the left. 70 inches AFF.

- Thomas
Good question. I installed it over two years ago and I don't recall how much wiggle room was available for aiming. Mine is mounted on the right door trim, aimed 45 degrees down and 45 degrees to the left. 70 inches AFF.

- Thomas
I appreciate the info.
I see a lot suggesting it for entrance facial recognition use but haven't been able to verify that placement.
I would install a small ptz, as Timokreon suggested.
I agree with you, but in this case, he could point it at the face most of the time, and when he needs to check a package, he could point it downwards.
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With any PTZ, you always run the risk of it looking the wrong direction when something happens.

If you have other cameras covering the same area, you can use IVS tripwire on the fixed camera to point the PTZ at the desired location when someone crosses the tripwire.
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Was going to pull the trigger on the SD1A404XB-GNR that the camera body is wider than my Dahua eyeball / turret camera that it would be replacing and would not fit into the OEM Dahua junction box currently there. Looking for a solution that would be easy swap allowing me to use existing junction box. The search continues.