Low cost- high res reliable surveillance camera

Jun 3, 2024
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I am looking to find the most cost effective but reliable camera to use in my cloud-based License Plate Recognition program.

I am building a software that processes images to recognize license plates of vehicles entering my parking lots. I want to be able to install a solar powered / cellular connected camera with high enough resolution (I'm thinking at least 4mp) to read license plates accurately as well as infrared technology for nighttime recognition. My thought is if I can have the camera triggered by motion sense then that will save on power consumption and in turn require a lower battery capacity and solar power. Also, if I can have the camera only transmit one or a few images of each "event" (car passing) through the network then it will minimize my data processing requirements.

Does anyone have a good recommendation of a camera that could work this way?


Getting comfortable
Mar 26, 2020
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Lowest cost possible for you would be using yolo algorithm for target detection and classification with using any default camera eith enough pixels to trigger detections.

But in order to use yolo i am presuming you already have a PC that can run that service 24/7.

It would be good to know your budget because what you find low cost might not be enough even for simplest form of ANPR, or contrary it could be well enough for some good solution.

The most expensive part on your side might not even be the camera but the solar solution. Good and reliable batteries cost, aswell the solar panel

If you take everything into consideration, perhaps all in 1 would be most cost effective for you?

This way you dont need your application to detect licences, camera will do it for you, you will have images for each licence trigger plus its all in 1

You can use Camera storage to fetch videos based on licence trigger, images based on licence. If you want something custom you can always make a TCP server listener and make camera push all the data to that server.
Data is in format of multi-part data

with boundaries inbetween

all images are optional and can be excluded from data push

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