LPR database/archival software


Known around here
Jul 2, 2019
Land down down under
Is there software to take CSV files, parse them and store in a proper database?
I'm wanting to keep archival of all LPR detections in a year (about 1,000 detections per day).
This is not for live LPR recognition. This is only storing the exported CSV from my LPR camera.
If it is coming from OpenALPR, we have this (I haven't tried importing CSV from another source):

Do you have a snapshot image too, or just plate and timestamp?
Just a timestamp. I don't think I need to be saving 1,000 images per day.

Here's the data from the camera's exported CSV files (in order):
TimeLicence PlatePlate TypeSpeedDirectionCountry/RegionDetection RegionPlate ColorVehicle TypeVehicle Color
21/01/2025 00:21:41ABC123Visitor29km/hApproach-2WhiteCarBlack
21/01/2025 00:39:16BCD456Blacklisted36km/hAway-2WhiteTruckWhite
21/01/2025 17:52:08EFG789Whitelisted6km/hApproach-2WhiteCarBlue

I've been naughty for the past 10 months.... I have been downloading and adding into one Excel spreadsheet. Excel is handing it fine but I know Excel ain't a database to do this!!
What I have saved historically (and wish to continue) is:

DateTimeLicence PlatePlate TypeSpeedDirectionVehicle TypeVehicle Color

If it is coming from OpenALPR, we have this (I haven't tried importing CSV from another source):

I love the look of that OpenLPR database!
I'll try and get it running.
What i would do is next:

Check if camera support API for such data. Fetch data, parse it and push to database,

If it doesnt, i suppose since you can download from browser csv, that you can also replicate this request hence you get automated downloading and storing.

I would do either a windows or linux service that does that for me at certain times.

What i would do is next:

Check if camera support API for such data. Fetch data, parse it and push to database,

If it doesnt, i suppose since you can download from browser csv, that you can also replicate this request hence you get automated downloading and storing.

I would do either a windows or linux service that does that for me at certain times.

That is effectively what I am doing now.
Getting the CSV file for the past 9 days and adding it to one big excel spreadsheet.
2024 had 238,633 records, 16,554 unique plates.

Here's 2025 so far in Excel.
Ok so, there shouldn't be any problem creating a simple service that parse columns and insert into DB that is consisted of all the columns in csv with addition of ID column which is autoincrement.

Perhaps only thing i would split is, having passages in 1 table and statistics in different table.

So the information pullback is faster
A simple way to log and manage all the captured plates is by using Excel Books. It makes it easy to filter, sort, and even run some basic analysis without needing extra software.
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