LPR setup help

I'm stumped with this camera. For whatever reason, 8192 is the highest quality I can get.
I put this camera up today, temporary position, and it seems like the face detection and daytime license plate capture will be good. Will see how things look at night and decide whether to run color 24/7, or b&w at night.

Once/if I get this camera dialed in, I'll have enough coverage heading this direction. The only thing I might change is grabbing the 431 10-50mm ANPR for this direction.

Next I'll grab that triple lens camera for garage/driveway/mailbox coverage and decide if I want to replace the other 4k color cam, or leave things as they are for awhile. haha
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Here is a night license plate capture compared to the 5241 S1 capturing in b&w.
Also, a face capture at night.

It looks like the snap shots are being captured at a faster rating than what I have the exposure set at. Something that @steve1225 alluded to in one of his posts comparing to the 5241.


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For those curious/interested, here is what I have set up as vehicle captures, people capture, etc... views.

Picture 1 is my 437 ANPR pointing EAST. This camera grabs 90%-95% of all vehicles passing by. It misses a number of vehicles without plates (not the cams fault), and misses a number of newer ink plates.

Picture 2 is the 5241S2, not quite zoomed all the way to the 60mm. I had this color, but since getting the 7 series, I changed this to b&w at night, and made an older 5241S1 color at night. This also takes face pictures.

Picture 3 is the older 5241S1. Maybe zoomed in 3/4 of the way. I am leaving this in color 24/7. It's more of an overview camera pointing west. A few neighbors wanted me to kind of keep an eye on things down that way, hence more concerned with face pics and vehicles around the white and black mailbox.

Picture 4 is the new 7x series cam, 8-32mm, zoomed all the way. Pointing straight at the t-intersection grabbing face pictures and plate captures from straight on. Leave this color 24/7.

Each camera has its own function. I'm tempted to purchase a new 5241S2 to replace the cam from picture 3. Or possibly add another camera, the 431 ANPR 10-50mm to grab plates pointing to the west.

I would really like a series 7x cam with a 10-50mm lens, or something bigger than the 8-32mm. I don't think I can grab plates out to where picture 2 is aimed. Approximately 120 feet.
Currently the 7 series is capturing out to around 90 to 100 feet.


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Welp, I'm ordering the 431 with 10-50mm lens today/tomorrow. Sounds like it might take a month or so to get it, but not a problem. I don't like putting up cameras in cold weather. lol...

Looking at the specs compared to the 437, I'm thinking I'll be able to set color 24/7, which would be very nice.
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What do you think would be the better plan.

Put the new 431 ANPR where the 437 ANPR is currently and set everything up which would look to the east. I'm also planning on putting another 7x series cam looking that direction which would capture face, and plates during the day. Then I would put the old 431 up in a new location looking West, capturing plates.

If I did that, I currently have a 7x series cam grabbing plates from a T-intersection, and 2 5241 grabbing face and plates. Mainly going for face on one and plates on the other, all looking West.

Or, Put the new 431 up looking West, which I've narrowed down to about 70 feet away, and directly under a street lamp, so a very good chance of grabbing color 24/7. Which is why I'm leaning towards the new camera pointing to the West. If the lens, chip, etc.. is a bit better, I'd have a better chance of getting color than using the 437.
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Post a pic of the west capture spot at night again?
It would be pretty close to what post #185 shows in picture 2 and 3.
I'll post a picture of a an overview shot in a bit.

Ok wasnt sure. Yeah I'd vote for B using the 431 looking West
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Overview shot. Would be attempting to capture the plates where this vehicle is located, directly under the light post.


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With enough zoom I dont see why not
Yeah. This one has the 10-50mm lens so should be enough for the 70-80 foot range. Plus, with the 437 already setup and capturing plates well, I won't need to screw with dialing everything back in that way.

The 7x cam pointing East and capturing plates/face will give me another look as well.

Andy stated I should get the 431 mid-February. Not a real rush considering I don't like messing with cameras in cold weather. :)
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Especially in Chicago!
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Here are better pictures of my current setup for LPR and face detection.

Picture 1 is the 437 ANPR. Captures plates 24/7, with a bonus of sometimes capturing face in the vehicle, or walking on sidewalk. Looking to the East approximately 75 feet.

Picture 2 is the 7x series cam. It's at the T-intersection, captures plates and faces. I keep it in color 24/7. Does a really great job of plates coming head on, and of course faces. This vehicle is approximately 85 feet away. Looking North.

Picture 3 is a 5241, IR at night, mainly for plates but also picks up faces during the day. Vehicle is about 150 feet away looking West.

Picture 4 is a 5241, color 24/7. Mainly overview to see what's going on due to neighbors complaining about mailboxes being robbed, etc.. Though I can grab plates/face captures. Vehicle is approximately 180 feet looking West.

Will be adding a 431 ANPR looking West soon. It will be capturing plates at approximately 80 feet, aimed at the road between the t-intersection and a lamp post. Hopefully color 24/7.
I will also be adding another 7x cam looking East. This will be capturing face mainly, with a bonus of grabbing plates. General area will be the same as picture 1, but won't be zoomed in as much. Distance will be somewhere between 50-80 feet depending on the final setup.


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Tough angles on 1 & 2 for plates. But good for drivers
Tough angles on 1 & 2 for plates. But good for drivers
Yeah, picture 1 looking at it you'd think maybe wouldn't be that great for plate captures, but it picks up 90%+ of the vehicles plates. Struggles on the newer paper plates, but I think all the cams do.

Picture 2, that is just an overview of the vehicles passing by. Basically to compare for color, etc.. being at the t-intersection, the vehicles coming off that street it's a head on shot.


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Purchased another 7x cam last week. Yes, I have a problem. Won't be able to install for another couple weeks, but it seems to be running fine in the basement test.
Updated this one, and my other 7x cam to the latest 1/25 firmware. With my other 7x cam, I am now able to run at a higher bitrate, so starting at 12,000 just to test any differences between that and the 8k I had before.

The 431 ANPR should be finished building this week, hopefully get it next week and install the last week of February.