LPR setup help

The new 431 ANPR is finished, Andy has it and will send it my way. Should be here next week, just in time for temperatures to get back into the 40's and maybe 50f.
I'll try to at least get the 431 up. Still need to run the cable to the exterior and terminate.

Also waiting until I have the camera in hand to figure out the final spot for installation. Going to use aluminum flat bar to help with the weight, etc... If all goes well, installed by next Friday.

Anyone else out there with the 431? Just curious about any tips for dialing this one in. I'll take a look in the 413 thread as well for tips.
The 431 is on the way, be here on Monday.
I'm going to attempt finishing the ethernet cable run on Sunday or Monday. Just really need to terminate the exterior ends and run to the spots I want. That and would like to get the flat bar attached to the soffit.

If the weather cooperates, I'll try putting the 431 up on Tuesday. I always seem to think I can do everything in under one hour, and it usually takes twice as long. lol.. Toughest part really is drilling the holes in the flat bar and attaching the junction box the 431 comes with.
Curious what other people use to attach flat bars to soffit, and to attach these heavy cameras/junction boxes?

For the flat bar, I push them under the soffit both sides, but I still drill/install 2 screws to help attach the bars. Ive tried using #12, and #10 self-tapping.. but is there something better?
Also try to use stainless steel screws due to the weather.

For the junction boxes, it seems like a #8 is the biggest screw that can be used, without drilling out the holes in the junction box itself?
Knock on wood, I have had success simply pushing them under the soffit on both sides and I don't junction box but shove the cabling up in the soffit (properly waterproofed).

I even have a mini-PTZ like that with no issues.
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Knock on wood, I have had success simply pushing them under the soffit on both sides and I don't junction box but shove the cabling up in the soffit (properly waterproofed).

I even have a mini-PTZ like that with no issues.
Use a certain size screws to hold the mini up?
Curious to see how well the polarizing filter works since I have 2 older versions of the 431 without them. The 431 is really heavy and long and I installed plywood and blocking between under the soffit covering for my PTZs (I dont have vented soffits)