Mail Thief

I may have missed it but what camera is that if you dont mind? Pretty good night video I think..
2:20 am, 3:19 am....I was wrong about this cockroach, he DOES have a's riding around in early AM stealing mail.
I'll bet there are many other boxes in the vicinity he's visiting as well.

aRRGGHHH! :banghead:
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Not bad at all for a 4K camera with a fixed 2.8 lens...
Calif plates are like this #LLL### aka Number letter letter letter number number number
So far tried searches on a few variations and found a 2017 BMW and a 2018 Kia and a 2006 VW
Commercial plates aka Pickup trucks have all #'s and just one Letter.
Gonna keep watching the vids and try to piece the numbers together, but so far it appears to be a 8 for the first letter and 171 on the end.
The vehicle is an 2000-2009 volvo S60. There is enough info from that plate to find the car, if law enforcement is not lazy.
So far tried searches on a few variations and found a 2017 BMW and a 2018 Kia and a 2006 VW
Could we have a winner?

Looked like 8FKS171 to me, even as grainy as it is. It's a real bummer that even with footage you might not have much luck with law enforcement just due to effort/seriousness. Maybe he's basically homeless, works out of his car, and uses your mailbox as an address?

Could we have a winner?

Looked like 8FKS171 to me, even as grainy as it is. It's a real bummer that even with footage you might not have much luck with law enforcement just due to effort/seriousness. Maybe he's basically homeless, works out of his car, and uses your mailbox as an address?

Damn I wish I saw this msg earlier, saved me time instead of scanning over and over.
I was using a magnifying glass on my monitor (ROFL) and figured it had to be this one. I took snapshots from the videos and used the pic ya posted.
Hopefully we are right
I'll bet if you tell the police that you're going to stake out your mailbox and kick the perpetrator's ass, they will show some interest! After all, they need to protect this dirt bag from any harm you might inflict on him, and that's surely a higher priority than an ongoing property crime. ;)
If ya live in central calif, let me know I will park down the street and watch for the guy, Being disabled atm I have plenty of free time. :ohsnap:

Thanks dude appreciate that, I'm in SoCal just East of L.A., a few friends of mine wanted to hide in a car as well. LOL Member @tangent got the plate info, and I passed info along to the Sheriff, but not sure if they did anything with it. He hasn't returned in about 2 weeks now though. So not sure if he got caught or if he just gave up, after not seeing mail in my box (put a hold on mail through USPS).
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What is his infatuation with your mailbox?

Put a cheap IP CAM inside the mailbox with a GOTCH YOU SUCKA! note on it lol. He'll peak in and look right at the camera! ;)

Sounds like the issue has gone away, but I wonder if it continues if a mail hold where you have to go retrieve your mail would reveal anything.
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Just an update for those interested, it looks like this scumbag did indeed try to get some credit cards using one of my renters info, that live in the rear house. He attempted to forward their mail to a different address, but luckily due to me holding our mail at USPS and informed delivery we were able to intercept the notification informing them of their change of address. I'm thinking he kept coming back to intercept this so we wouldn't know.

He also ordered a Square card reader using her information that we received in our mailbox last week. We believe he was going to use this reader for fraudulent purposes. I've contacted our police department with this new info and that seemed to catch their interest a bit more. Will post back any other news. I have since installed a new secure mailbox and have not seen this person back on our property. I've created alerts through BI when ever someones is near our mailbox, and haven't spotted this scum.
This guy have a Lyft trade dress code on his windshield. Be sure to report to Lyft once you find out who he is so thief like this isn't working taking advantage of other. You might as well check other ride-share and report him too.

Maybe it was a Lyft car at some point but unlikely to have been recently. The car would be over 10 yrs old even if it’s the last manufacture date is considered. Lyft has a limit on how old the car can be, usually 7 years max but varies by markets.
Just another update been on vacation so haven't been able to visit the forum, but I got a call from the detective assigned to my case a couple days ago. The scum bag is in custody, :headbang: he had some of our mail at the time of arrest, they didn't give me any other information. So not sure if they raided his home or pulled him over. My tenant is the one that has been affected by this the most, they've opened several credit cards under her name (Samsung Line of Credit, Sears Card, and the Square credit card reader). Along with the forwarding of address. Hopefully he gets put in jail for sometime!
Just another update been on vacation so haven't been able to visit the forum, but I got a call from the detective assigned to my case a couple days ago. The scum bag is in custody, :headbang: he had some of our mail at the time of arrest, they didn't give me any other information. So not sure if they raided his home or pulled him over. My tenant is the one that has been affected by this the most, they've opened several credit cards under her name (Samsung Line of Credit, Sears Card, and the Square credit card reader). Along with the forwarding of address. Hopefully he gets put in jail for sometime!

Congratulations @sc6pt0 - great job!