Mobile App Playback Question

-You call it an "idiotic parsing of words" I call it correctness. Saying something was done in a lazy manner does *not* call that person lazy. You can post in font size 75 all day long it doesn't make you any more correct.
-A child can pick up a remote and find the rewind button. It sure as heck won't have a minus sign on it. It's not even remotely intuitive to have the user "play" the video with a negative multiplier.
-You posted misleading information to my initial question. It's obvious that you post from a skew that this software is the best thing since sliced bread. It's also obvious to anyone reading this thread. IMHO that achieves a correct unbiased answer with facts, if people care to sift through all your ranting to find it.
-I'm not out any money, I will use BI and probably like it just fine. Just don't act like the guy you paid $60 is doing you a favor to maintain the app you purchased.
-Making suggestions does not make any implication of being "better" than anyone. They are just that, suggestions.
-You know far more about the app than I do and I would welcome your help if it didn't come with so much baggage and pompous disregard for anyone doing anything different from you. It appears there's a lot of intricacies to this app that require "more than five minutes" as you say to learn. That's disappointing. My intended use of this app was to monitor my home not spend hours pouring over settings (which is why I ask questions on this forum instead of doing just that). An open mind to various uses of a piece of software helps the developer improve their product (which is why I emailed them/him already).
-I am a software developer and will tend to look at software I use with a critical eye. No need for you to take that as a personal attack on the shrine that is your BI setup.
You are looking at the playback screen, you see a plus and minus sign, you dont try them? You couldn't figure it out. SAD. Blue iris is not intended for children. It requires some common sense and a brain.

My answer was not misleading. Go back and read it. Never said ANYTHING about an instant replay. Said you can easily pull up an alert.
This software IS the best thing since sliced bread. There is nothing close to this at this price point. You obviously have ZERO experience with vms.
He IS doing you a favor by adding NEW features. He has no obligation to. He as been doing this despite the fact that blue iris has been out for almost two years. Let me school you on industry standards. Exacq, 90 days for 50 dollars per camera license. 1 year for 100 PER CAMERA license. Please tell me what other software package provides this level of updates and support!!!
You want all these functions built in but dont want to spend more than five minuets to learn it? What is wrong with you?
You will have to learn ANY vms and ANY app. You seem lazy.
I would never touch anything you develop...its likely a disaster.
All you need to do is open the last alert then use the scroll bar or fast forward and youll see anything the alert did not are over complicating it...
Once again, go find another package that comes close to this level of customization at this price point.
Chuck, I think you should get the vibe by now that your constructive feedback is not welcome here about the greatest mobile app and if you failed to misunderstand how to use it and/or question usability expect to be called names and question your own quality of work because afterall you are using the greatest piece of software which is perfectly fine as it is and all you need is a common sense and a brain to use it. You have lost this argument from the moment it started and your software development background, critical eye and simply opinion is irrelevant.

Unless you are in a mood for a dead end argument with admin, which wouldn't end in your favor anyway, I would suggest you to contact developer directly with your feedback.
Chuck, I think you should get the vibe by now that your constructive feedback is not welcome here about the greatest mobile app and if you failed to misunderstand how to use it and/or question usability expect to be called names and question your own quality of work because afterall you are using the greatest piece of software which is perfectly fine as it is and all you need is a common sense and a brain to use it. You have lost this argument from the moment it started and your software development background, critical eye and simply opinion is irrelevant.

Unless you are in a mood for a dead end argument with admin, which wouldn't end in your favor anyway, I would suggest you to contact developer directly with your feedback.
Keep acting like an asshole, you are on thin ice. If you think acting this way is going to keep you here, you are wrong. Lets also note that your highly regarded hikvision NVR is much worse in this respect. The hikvision mobile app is practically useless to review video. It is the greatest mobile app available for ANY vms!! You have no experience with them. And for the record, I recommend other vms all the fact i posted this here,
I understand you despise blue iris and make every effort to ding it when you can. It is 100 times better than the garbage hikvision NVR's. You will stop interjecting in my discussions with your insults. Next time you are being booted.
fenderman you can continue "schooling" me but you're simply wrong. My original question was asking about instantly playing back the previous minute or so of a camera. The first 8 posts in the thread I believe really clarified how to do what I was asking and that was great. The caveat was that you have to use the motion detection to use the alert feature. That's the *only* thing I wanted clarified. When you sensed it as some kind of weakness in the system you immediately got defensive and started calling it nonsense. Totally pointless comments and you're the one who started ranting.

I wouldn't really care if you touched anything I developed. I have no need for your validation. I'm a software developer at NASA and have multiple payloads (including actual custom video software) on orbit right now (see here:

Your response to the other guy clearly shows how much of a defensive fanboy you are towards this software (seriously, are you the developer or the developer's dad or something?).
fenderman you can continue "schooling" me but you're simply wrong. My original question was asking about instantly playing back the previous minute or so of a camera. The first 8 posts in the thread I believe really clarified how to do what I was asking and that was great. The caveat was that you have to use the motion detection to use the alert feature. That's the *only* thing I wanted clarified. When you sensed it as some kind of weakness in the system you immediately got defensive and started calling it nonsense. Totally pointless comments and you're the one who started ranting.

I wouldn't really care if you touched anything I developed. I have no need for your validation. I'm a software developer at NASA and have multiple payloads (including actual custom video software) on orbit right now (see here:

Your response to the other guy clearly shows how much of a defensive fanboy you are towards this software (seriously, are you the developer or the developer's dad or something?).
You develop software at NASA but cant figure out blue call BS. You could not deduce that a +/- sign on a video playback screen had any function...You could not even get the basic concept of power savings in your other thread.
Yes im the developer but recommend other packages like milestone, are you completely insane? Its simply upsetting to see a great product and folks like you who think they are OWED free updates with new features.
There is NO downside to using motion detection, NONE. So use it. Then you can move to the last alert and view all the video EVEN not part of the alert EASILY.
I am a fanboi because this is THE best software at this price point. Hands down. I run it in over 20 locations. I have tried others.
Seems like blue iris doesnt suit your needs. You are welcome to POST your findings when you find other software that does. Doubtful...
Finally, if you dont like my attitude you are welcome to use other forums to get your blue iris help. I think there may still be one or two folks who log in there every once in a while. Dont let the door hit you on the way out.
Wait, so you are the developer of the BI? I did not see this coming.
Wait, so you are the developer of the BI? I did not see this coming.
You dont understand sarcasm? Or just being an asshole, I believe the latter. Im done with you. You are banned. You were repeatedly warned about your snarky remarks. Good riddance.
You develop software at NASA but cant figure out blue iris...
I guess that tells you something about the lack of intuitive interface.

wow....I call BS. You could not deduce that a +/- sign on a video playback screen had any function...
Half of the other buttons on that screen had no function, why should those? Is that good software?? Click all the buttons until something happens? Ridiculous.

You could not even get the basic concept of power savings in your other thread.
You were too busy ranting, whining about someone trying to do something different from you, and typing in all caps to understand that conversation. All you did was keep repeating your own canned setup.

Yes im the developer but recommend other packages like milestone, are you completely insane?
Sorry my world doesn't revolve around you so I don't follow your 13,000 posts and know how much you recommend other packages. I just come on every now and then to search or ask a question (the purpose of forums).

Its simply upsetting to see a great product and folks like you who think they are OWED free updates with new features.
This is the model for pretty much every paid piece of software in existence.

There is NO downside to using motion detection, NONE.
Wrong. It kills the processor if you don't have the right one. See the "other thread" you referred to. Some of us aren't made of cash and need to just use what we have. I can uncheck a box or spend $300. If I want it later I'll re-check it. I'm glad the developer made it an option!

I am a fanboi because this is THE best software at this price point. Hands down. I run it in over 20 locations. I have tried others.
That's great. I think it's a great piece of software too and concluded the same thing you did. That's what drives me up the wall about this ridiculous conversation.

Seems like blue iris doesnt suit your needs. You are welcome to POST your findings when you find other software that does. Doubtful...
Finally, if you dont like my attitude you are welcome to use other forums to get your blue iris help. I think there may still be one or two folks who log in there every once in a while. Dont let the door hit you on the way out.
It does suit my needs fine. I came to the forum to take advantage of the knowledge in here such as yours. I just don't care to be beat over the head with it and treated like some blasphemous outcast in your little religion. If disagreement on this forum leads to bans and you have a double standard on your own behavior calling other people names and ranting in a 72pt font then I'll gladly avoid it.
I guess that tells you something about the lack of intuitive interface.

Half of the other buttons on that screen had no function, why should those? Is that good software?? Click all the buttons until something happens? Ridiculous.

You were too busy ranting, whining about someone trying to do something different from you, and typing in all caps to understand that conversation. All you did was keep repeating your own canned setup.

Sorry my world doesn't revolve around you so I don't follow your 13,000 posts and know how much you recommend other packages. I just come on every now and then to search or ask a question (the purpose of forums).

This is the model for pretty much every paid piece of software in existence.

Wrong. It kills the processor if you don't have the right one. See the "other thread" you referred to. Some of us aren't made of cash and need to just use what we have. I can uncheck a box or spend $300. If I want it later I'll re-check it. I'm glad the developer made it an option!

That's great. I think it's a great piece of software too and concluded the same thing you did. That's what drives me up the wall about this ridiculous conversation.

It does suit my needs fine. I came to the forum to take advantage of the knowledge in here such as yours. I just don't care to be beat over the head with it and treated like some blasphemous outcast in your little religion. If disagreement on this forum leads to bans and you have a double standard on your own behavior calling other people names and ranting in a 72pt font then I'll gladly avoid it.
No it tells you about your skillset or lack thereof.
Motion detection has not effect on cpu use. Try again.
As far as being made of money, I explain how your are paying your electric company MORE than what it would cost you to buy a 250 dollar system.
FREE UPDATES WITH singificant NEW FEATURES...let me say that again, NEW FEATURES, Every two weeks, let me say that again, EVERY TWO WEEKS is not the model of every piece of software. Please name one. I have already pointed you to other VMS that provide 90 days of FREE updates AND support, for 50 dollar per camera packages. What part of that DID YOU NOT READ. I mean its like you are completely ignoring it.
Never claim your world revolved around me, however, yours statement clearly shows that you didnt read my replies in THIS thread where is linked to that post!!!!! READ. Your lack of attention is astounding.
Finally disagreements never lead to bans. Again you are misleading. Acting like an asshole will. Big difference. If you cant see that you can leave. I will call an idiot an idiot. This is not a safe space.
-Ha, you sound like the Apple CEO telling everyone they're holding their phones wrong.
-I watched the CPU usage drop with my own two eyes when I unchecked and restarted. You try again.
-It's a computer I'm running for another reason anyways so it's already on. I clearly posted a full blown spreadsheet showing you the details of the power usage and cost and you had nothing in rebuttal except "some other people's electricity cost is different". Wrong again.
-Just because there's something more expensive out there doesn't change the fact that every piece of $50 software out there does frequent updates.
-You thought I "knew" about how you recommend other systems. I didn't. Simple as that.
-You banned the guy for acting like "an asshole" and making snarky remarks, which is exactly what you are doing. It's called a double standard.

Good luck with your next 13,000 posts. I for one will find something better to do.
-Ha, you sound like the Apple CEO telling everyone they're holding their phones wrong.
-I watched the CPU usage drop with my own two eyes when I unchecked and restarted. You try again.
-It's a computer I'm running for another reason anyways so it's already on. I clearly posted a full blown spreadsheet showing you the details of the power usage and cost and you had nothing in rebuttal except "some other people's electricity cost is different". Wrong again.
-Just because there's something more expensive out there doesn't change the fact that every piece of $50 software out there does frequent updates.
-You thought I "knew" about how you recommend other systems. I didn't. Simple as that.
-You banned the guy for acting like "an asshole" and making snarky remarks, which is exactly what you are doing. It's called a double standard.

Good luck with your next 13,000 posts. I for one will find something better to do.
You will pay more with your power hog of a system. Math is not your strong point. Motion detection does not add to cpu consumption.
NO 50 dollar software does updates with new features, I challenged you to name one!!!!!
You didnt know because you FAILED to read my replies in THIS thread. You dont pay much attention to detail. Lazy. Really lazy.