Money & Economics

We’re so fucked

Chris M is good people. His performance during Covid was spectacular.

Earlier this week he said he was gonna look into the new Bird Flu thats been getting into cows and today he does his first report on it.

See if his approach grabs you. This is just one of the possible "wild rides" we could be going on next.
Something tell me they are going to overwhelm us all with many things during their (Elites) take over. I think Covid19 was a test...
Chris M is good people. His performance during Covid was spectacular.

Earlier this week he said he was gonna look into the new Bird Flu thats been getting into cows and today he does his first report on it.

See if his approach grabs you. This is just one of the possible "wild rides" we could be going on next.

Definitely! he's one of those I try to keep tabs on and I like his straightforward style and he did indeed do good work on the Covid scam.
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And right on cue…

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I’m beginning to think he’s right. Buckle up

The left is still trying to maintain their lie that Trump only cut taxes for the wealthy. Then, somehow, FJB is going to let this expire, their taxes will go up, and he'll blame Republicans for it. Yes, these people are gullible. And they get the same vote as informed people.
There should be some basic competency test. Like you have to be able to count to 20 and spell your name. Cut out 20-25% of them anyway
There should be some basic competency test. Like you have to be able to count to 20 and spell your name. Cut out 20-25% of them anyway
That would cut out 90% of our Elected too...
Heard Biden admin plans to increase taxes by letting Trump tax cuts expire .. from $27,000 base deduction to $12,000 ..

Need to double check this still ..
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Yeah saw that on Std Deduction and its true, but supposedly there's some thing with exemptions that will offset some of it... havent found it yet
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The personal exemptions got eliminated when the standard deduction went up. For me it was still a net tax reduction. Maybe the reason that bidet wants the Trump changes to expire is the limit on SALT (state and local taxes) deductions, which caused a tax increase for some in high cost of living (i.e. blue) states. Letting the Trump changes expire will lower the federal tax for many high earners, mainly in blue states. That's the opposite of what bidet is saying, so it must be true!
Right. I remember now that you say that.
The rumor I saw was that personal exemptions would be reinstated offsetting much of the decreased Standard deduction.

But I think you nailed it with the bit about SALT deductions. Now it makes sense (from a Bidet perspective) take care of all the NE US folks living in heavily taxed Democrat states, screw everyone living in more prosperous economically thriving states. Reward heavily taxed dying socialism states and the parasite economy while de incentivizing growth in the free prosperous states.

This is genius on the part of the handlers destroying America at every turn. They truly want servants, not free citizens
Like all US government agencies and 99% of its employees, they;re lying pieces of shit.
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He’s waiting to do the same thing he did in 2008. Once the crash occurs, pick up companies for pennies on the dollar.
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Its coming fast, we're fucked

During Visa's annual Payments Forum in San Francisco on Wednesday, the company unveiled its new Visa Flexible Credential, which will allow customers to use a single card to access payment options from multiple credit and bank accounts, and even "Buy Now Pay Later" plans when making a purchase.

.......Soon, any device can be used as a point-of-sale (POS) device for payment. Customers will also be able to "tap" to confirm their identities, to add a card to a wallet or app, and to make a person-to-person payment.

.........Visa is also introducing a new Payment Passkey Service that will allow customers to make online payments with a scan of their face or a fingerprint, replacing the need to input passwords or one-time codes.
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