More trying to understand BI


Jul 31, 2014
I am working with Ken on file archiving issues and this i think is another ez question that i do not want to bother Ken with.
I need help understanding why i am getting this alert on drive usage

BI alert.jpg
I have the New folder set at Limit Folder Size to 200GB and Clip Age to 1 day and current New folder size is 138 GB. So this is not making sense to me.

How much free storage do you have on the drive?

From the help file
The Status Bar
The "status bar" is the name given to the area found at the very bottom of the Blue Iris window.
To the far right of the status bar is a "sizing handle." You may click the sizing handle and drag the mouse to size the Blue Iris window (you may also use the right and bottom edges of the window). The status bar contains three important areas:On the left is an area for context-sensitive help messages. You will notice that this text changes as you hover the cursor over the Blue Iris window to describe what's below the cursor.Next is a status display describing the utilization of either the New or Stored folders, depending on which is selected for display in the Clip List window. This display consists of three numbers:
  • The number of files in the folder. It is considered a warning condition if this number surpasses 200,000.
  • The occupancy percentage (fullness) of the folder. It is normal for this number to reach 100% before files are automatically moved to storage or deleted.
  • The amount of headroom on the drive beyond what's required to store 100% of the folder's specified maximum size. It is considered an error condition if this number falls below 1GB. Ideally you should reserve enough free space to accommodate at least 15 minutes worth of completed files from each camera, as the process to store and delete files only runs occasionally.
The clip storage status display will be shown in red if there is a warning or error condition.
Hello Fenderman and thanks for responding
I had looked over the Status Bar in the help file and based on what i have read i should be ok.
The C: drive is 455 GB, the space on the drive is 264 GB, and the BI New folder is 125 GB and set not to exceed 200 GB or on day of clips. So something is triggering the alert. Maybe because it has more than one day worth of files. (this is a problem i am working on with Ken)
Does the error remain the same whether you select new or stored from the clip list dropdown?
what is strange is that it is not showing the amount of files you have either...just !! that would indicate no files...i think it might have something to do with the way your nas is set up...try setting the stored folder to the C drive temporarily and see if the issue goes away.
I think it will go away if only one day of files are on the C: I will a manual move and see what occurs
That result is when stored is selected...what happens when you select new from the dropdown menu?
How much room do you have on your nas? How much room did you allocate in blue iris for your stored folder.
Result when Stored is selected = No Change
Result when New is selected = No Change
NAS Spec = Synology DS-1512+, three 4 TB drives in RAID 5 showing 7.2 TB of space, I have allocate 7TB in BI for the Stored folder on the NAS. 4.96 TB are left on the NAS