Motion detection question


Sep 3, 2016
I have my IR off and cams set to day mode as I have external PIR that activates lights. The issue is that the motion activates even if a small amount of light spills in the view say from me moving the curtains. I notice a activation at first light also.

Settings are on expert and 20 sensitivity and 2%

i have tried various settings to know avail.

Hope someone has an idea thanks
I have my IR off and cams set to day mode as I have external PIR that activates lights. The issue is that the motion activates even if a small amount of light spills in the view say from me moving the curtains. I notice a activation at first light also.

Settings are on expert and 20 sensitivity and 2%

i have tried various settings to know avail.

Hope someone has an idea thanks
This is the problem with pixel based motion can try using line crossing..
I'm currently having 4 cameras around my house. I have tried about everything...motion detection, line crossing detection, playing with the sensitivity etc...
None of these was really reliable...until I installed my PIR alarm.
So, I now only have 1 sensor (sick WL260-R270), connected to my camera, at the gate of my house and this is working 100%. I do not have any false alarms.
So, my recommendation is to go for a separate sensor.

this only has a 15m range and I need about 20m but good idea, I wonder if anyone else used external detection successfully.
Can you just put multiple line crossing around perimeter if so what settings/ sensitivity would you recommend? I believe you have to turn motion off as only one or other works.
I'm planning to install separate motion sensors as well, to control both light, and to trigger an alarm for the camera's. Seems much more reliable than the pixel-based motion detection, as well as the pixel-based line-crossing.
Can you just put multiple line crossing around perimeter if so what settings/ sensitivity would you recommend? I believe you have to turn motion off as only one or other works.

You haven't said what camera you have.
On R0 2332-I I can use Motion, Line & Intruder simultaneously. They all trigger on the day/night/day transition.
On R3 4526FWD-IZ I can use Motion, Line & Intruder simultaneously, but I can have more than 1 line & 1 intruder. They still all trigger on the day/night/day transitions.

The analytics just are not that good. I get best results by enabling all 3 and gating them together such that if all of them activate it sets an event in the NVR, but they still false every morning and every night.
External PIRs are nice if you can use that instead.
You haven't said what camera you have.
On R0 2332-I I can use Motion, Line & Intruder simultaneously. They all trigger on the day/night/day transition.
On R3 4526FWD-IZ I can use Motion, Line & Intruder simultaneously, but I can have more than 1 line & 1 intruder. They still all trigger on the day/night/day transitions.

The analytics just are not that good. I get best results by enabling all 3 and gating them together such that if all of them activate it sets an event in the NVR, but they still false every morning and every night.
External PIRs are nice if you can use that instead.

I have
1 x [FONT=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2CD2542FWD-IS
1 X 2CD2332-I

What sensitivity is best for line crossing and how does LC differ from intruder detection?
Your settings are very application specific, so what I use won't necessarily work for you (hell, they hardly work for me).

On the 2332-I I'm using 45 for the sensitivity on line cross and :
Threshold - 1s
Sensitivity - 60
Percentage - 3
For the intruder detection settings. My detection box is about 80% of the image size, thus the small percentage.

You need to read up on what they do and how they work, then experiment *lots* to get something vaguely usable. As I said, I only get usable results by gating all 3 together. All 3 are horrible with shadows or reflected light or pretty much anything in the image that moves or appears to.
In *theory* with both line cross and intruder detection, the camera supposedly tracks moving objects. With line cross, the object needs to cross the line and with intruder detection the object needs to enter the box.

On the 4-line cameras, the dynamic overlay shows green boxes around the "objects" as it tracks them, and it does track people and cars quite well. It also tracks shadows, sparkles, reflections and basically anything else in the image that varies in brightness more than a gnats cock. It pretends to do what some of the better cameras actually do (which is differentiate between random light based detection and an actual object).

On the 2-line cameras it's a guess as to how it works as the dynamic overlay only displays motion detection.
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Hey Brad
When you say "gated together" what do you mean and how do you achieve this,

The VMS I'm using at the moment has alarm logic processing, so I tell it that there must be Motion AND line cross AND intrusion on any camera before it triggers and event. It's made harder by Hikvisions broken ONVIF implementation for line cross where it sends a line cross event but no reset, so I have to put a reset timer on the line cross event.

It's a bit of a sledgehammer approach, but seems to work quite well.