Well named, Sir. Well named indeed. It is pretty cheap too. Within my specified price range. Thanks. I am sticking with my DIY solution for now. It is built. I had the cameras anyway.
At some point, I feel that Dahua/Amcrest is likely to market a 180 degree camera and I'll buy that if my kluged up dual Amcrest 5MP camera solution proves unacceptable.
Meanwhile, it is time to visit the grandkids and then eat and drink too much. Happy Thanksgiving and that you for all your help and support.
At some point, I feel that Dahua/Amcrest is likely to market a 180 degree camera and I'll buy that if my kluged up dual Amcrest 5MP camera solution proves unacceptable.
Meanwhile, it is time to visit the grandkids and then eat and drink too much. Happy Thanksgiving and that you for all your help and support.