My Hikvision Cameras Capture Break in Vehicle and Attempt to Enter Home

Nope, at least not yet. They viewed the video(s) at my home last night and are suppose to come pick up a copy of it tonight? Hope it helps them catch him. Kind a scary that he tried to enter the house when it was pretty obvious people were home??
Time for a number plate cam. I cant believe he just parked out the front. Are the local Police on to it?
Strange, did you know he was there when it happened? Or later? How did you know he was even there?

This is the reason I lock my front door even when home at all times, you just never know. It could be as bad as violence or just walking in and taking things and walking back out.
I have a monitor for my cams in the family room and I just happened to catch the last couple of seconds as the door was closing and he was walking away. By the time I got to the door he was driving away. Went and reviewed the dvr and immediately called the cops.
That's some scary stuff. It's similar to my experience last year. It can make you a little jumpy for a while. He should get a better fitting belt for his pants, and enjoy it for as long as he can. Where he's going to end up, if he continues this way of life, belts aren't allowed.
That's some scary stuff. It's similar to my experience last year. It can make you a little jumpy for a while. He should get a better fitting belt for his pants, and enjoy it for as long as he can. Where he's going to end up, if he continues this way of life, belts aren't allowed.

Yep, the family is a little on edge right now. You have to wonder what his intentions were when he was trying to come through that door? A Firearm will be kept much nearer by from now on. I would have been caught completely off guard if that door hadn't been locked and If it hadn't been for my security cams I wouldn't have known it even happened.
Yep, the family is a little on edge right now. You have to wonder what his intentions were when he was trying to come through that door? A Firearm will be kept much nearer by from now on. I would have been caught completely off guard if that door hadn't been locked and If it hadn't been for my security cams I wouldn't have known it even happened.

My guy had this technique as his trademark. There had been incidents in the neighbourhood, where people's wallets went missing in the middle of the day, the previous months. Norway is a pretty safe country, so keeping the door unlocked during the day isn't at all that unusual, in most towns. After that incident, I upgraded the cameras and took a more proactive stance. Since the bad guys doesn't have real firearms around here, it's pretty safe to do. The next 6 months I caught two more guys, who got a stern talking to. The last 6 months, there's been nothing(except Jehova's Witnesses sticking a note in the door while I was on vacation, marking the house as empty). I'm curious what the next 6 months will bring, since we're entering the dark months. We're down to eight hours of sunlight now, six at winter solstice.
That's why it's good to have motion setup in certain areas, even if it doesn't alert you while it's happening, you can review the motion timeline, or the logs and see if anything went on. I always look at my cameras every few minutes, I've had the timing just right and spotted alot of things that I wouldn't have ever noticed.

Yep, the family is a little on edge right now. You have to wonder what his intentions were when he was trying to come through that door? A Firearm will be kept much nearer by from now on. I would have been caught completely off guard if that door hadn't been locked and If it hadn't been for my security cams I wouldn't have known it even happened.

My guy had this technique as his trademark. There had been incidents in the neighbourhood, where people's wallets went missing in the middle of the day, the previous months. Norway is a pretty safe country, so keeping the door unlocked during the day isn't at all that unusual, in most towns. After that incident, I upgraded the cameras and took a more proactive stance. Since the bad guys doesn't have real firearms around here, it's pretty safe to do. The next 6 months I caught two more guys, who got a stern talking to. The last 6 months, there's been nothing(except Jehova's Witnesses sticking a note in the door while I was on vacation, marking the house as empty). I'm curious what the next 6 months will bring, since we're entering the dark months. We're down to eight hours of sunlight now, six at winter solstice.

Vampires ;)
I'd like to make a recomendation here. We use outdoor PIR detectors and wire them into the alarm inputs on the back of the dvr or nvr. In this case, you can use the app to push a notification or configure the alarm output to turn on a light inside or outside. We prefer to use a seperate device outdoors to get a more accurate response then the motion on the cameras. For an affordable PIR try an Optex lx-402n. The are about 60-80 bucks and are super reliable at night.
Wow that dude has some balls shouldn't be to hard to figure who he is out he left a nice huge print right on the thumb button for the police
Pretty decent shot of the guy at the door....Although there is a good bit of motion blur and it almost looks like his face is overexposed. Just curious, what shutter speed are you using at night? Given the ample lighting, you may be able to get even better footage by increasing the shutter speed...It would not only darken the exposure, but also decrease the motion blur. Something you may want to consider testing....Granted, this should certainly be good enough for someone that knows the guy to recognize him.
Pretty decent shot of the guy at the door....Although there is a good bit of motion blur and it almost looks like his face is overexposed. Just curious, what shutter speed are you using at night? Given the ample lighting, you may be able to get even better footage by increasing the shutter speed...It would not only darken the exposure, but also decrease the motion blur. Something you may want to consider testing....Granted, this should certainly be good enough for someone that knows the guy to recognize him.

Thought the exact same thing. the LED's on the 2132 actually over exposed his face when he was that close up to the camera. the camera is set at the default speed now. I think that's 1/25? Because of the good lighting I'm going to turn off auto switch to B/W and keep it color 24/7 up the shutter speed a bit and increase the wattage of those porch light bulbs and see if that helps. Cops said knowing the accurate colors of clothing and skin color would be beneficial in identification.
That is some scary stuff!

I don't mean to change the subject - but no one ever locked our front door. I would actually get up in the morning and find it standing ajar a couple of times because they didn't close it properly. I ended up getting one of those electronic locks that will automatically lock the door 30 seconds after it was unlocked. Sometimes it can be a hassle, but I for the most part it has worked out well

Also I see that you have a porch light. I changed out the bulb on mine to an led with motion sensing. Works pretty well - but a lot will depend on the light fixture. It kind of catches people of guard when they walk by the light and it turns on by itself (they are usually a lot closer to it because it was off to begin with it)
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If someone steps on my porch, Blue Iris sends a "doorbell" sound to my phone w/ a push alert. Dialed in motion detection, masked off areas that triggered false alarms. I get the alert within seconds of someone entering the frame.

That's been working so well that last night I set it to text me a photo. It's surprisingly just as fast and keeps me from opening BI to see who's there.

hik.PNGFile Nov 10, 4 09 34 PM.jpeg


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