My Hikvision Home Setup


Sep 13, 2014
Finally pulled the last cable and set it all to work.

2x Hikvision DS-2CD2132-I @ 2.8mm
2x Hikvision DS-2CD2232-I5 @ 4mm

TP-Link - TL-SG2424P (24x Gig POE 802.3af/at)
Synology DS-412+ NAS Running Surveillance Station 6.3-3380

This is a printscreen from the NVR showing all cams:

Pictures where you can spot the cameras:

And finally, picture of the nobreak, nas, switch and etc. (A bit older picture, there are more cables now but that's the only thing that changed), also a printscreen from the switch showing the consumption of the cameras (and two POE access points)

Ps.: I already called the cable guys to take that cable off the front of the camera like 3 times, I don't think they want to. Also, the "Front Lawn" camera records a LOT of motion that is a bit annoying at times. I'm using external FTP cable for the camera on the pole, seems to be working so far.


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Ha, i love the camera on the pole...doubt anyone will even notice and if they do, probably wont complain...
Hey lingnau

Nice install there. As another Surveillance Station user I'm keen on your thoughts of it. Are you utilising the motion detection in the cams or you letting SSS do the motion detection?
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Hey lingnau

Nice install there. As another Surveillance Station user I'm keen on your thoughts of it. Are you utilising the motion detection in the cams or you letting SSS do the motion detection?

The camera motion detection didn't work very well(Synology's fault probably), so I just went with the Surveillance Station detection. I'm using Sensivity 96 and Thresold 6 for my cameras, that gave me best results. It's not very good but it works, It's sure not worth what synology tries to charge for the product. I've heared that there's a version 7 coming that's supposedly a big improvement, let's see, I didn't want to try the beta just yet.
Nice set up. I am not familiar with this type of rack or I never seen one that short before,

Did you buy a long rack and jab it thorough the ceiling then bolt the rack to the ceiling frame in the attic or something?

I don't want to know how you got the camera up on the pole ... lol. Also I'm guessing your local power/cable company is OK w/ DIYers using their poles.
Nice set up. I am not familiar with this type of rack or I never seen one that short before,

Did you buy a long rack and jab it thorough the ceiling then bolt the rack to the ceiling frame in the attic or something?


I'm pretty sure that's just an open rackmount frame. You can buy them readily off the shelf
Nice set up. I am not familiar with this type of rack or I never seen one that short before,

Did you buy a long rack and jab it thorough the ceiling then bolt the rack to the ceiling frame in the attic or something?


It's actually made from parts from an 4U rack, I took the rear 19" "rails" (Like these, made a little custom metal frame and fixed both to the ceiling leaving 19" of space in between. It was cheap and just works. :)

I don't want to know how you got the camera up on the pole ... lol. Also I'm guessing your local power/cable company is OK w/ DIYers using their poles.
That smaller pole (where my cameras was mounted) is actually mine and is inside my property. A few years ago they came up with a law that says that everyone needs to have a pole with the power meter on the bottom, so that is actually my pole, I'm not sure I'm explicitly allowed to put something on there, but I doubt that anyone will notice or complain. It also tooke a pretty big ladder to get it there. :)

I'm pretty sure that's just an open rackmount frame. You can buy them readily off the shelf
Sort of, it was custom made.
After a combined 30 years of CATV and Telco work I've never heard of having to have your own pole.... New one on me.

If by chance any part of the Cam mounted on it has any metal surface on the outside of it I would suggest running a separate ground down the pole and sinking a ground rod at the base and phasing it to the multi ground neutral of the power company. Lightning could very easily find your camera as a ground source and it could travel back to your system. 12 guage copper would be sufficient with as few bends as possible.
I see them now. I just don't trust that cap that comes with the camera. I know it has rubber O rings, but I would feel much better if they were going UP into a waterproof box.



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After a combined 30 years of CATV and Telco work I've never heard of having to have your own pole.... New one on me.

If by chance any part of the Cam mounted on it has any metal surface on the outside of it I would suggest running a separate ground down the pole and sinking a ground rod at the base and phasing it to the multi ground neutral of the power company. Lightning could very easily find your camera as a ground source and it could travel back to your system. 12 guage copper would be sufficient with as few bends as possible.

I think the support for the camera is aluminium, the whole body is. The pole is made of concrete. I'm using FTP cable/connectors and I'm waiting for my ubiquiti's surge protector to arrive, I plan to ground it together with the switch and everything else, the camera doesn't seem to have a ground plug or shielding on the connector. I've read that using different grounds is what actually kills outdoor stuff, that's the reason why I didn't use any external grounding for that. Also, there's just a 10 story building in front of my house, I think any lightning will strike there first before hitting anything down here.

About the pole, I'm not sure it's a standard in Brazil, in my state it is:

If anyone care's to read the standard: (Document in portuguese, there are drawing tough)

I see them now. I just don't trust that cap that comes with the camera. I know it has rubber O rings, but I would feel much better if they were going UP into a waterproof box.

It's seems solid, and I've taken care to place it in a way that even if water COULD enter, it would still not touch the connector, only if it filled up and I really don't think that's possible. I agree that a waterproof box would be much better, but I didn't want to make it big nor something that would be easily seen.

Btw, the CATV guys where here, the dog didn't chew them up and I finnaly got those cables out of the way. New view:


In english I think the idea about grounding is called "Single point grounding":

A single point grounding system is achieved when all equipment within the structure(s) are connected to a master bus bar which in turn is bonded to the external grounding system at one point only. Earth loops and differential rise times must be avoided. The grounding system should be designed to reduce ac impedance and dc resistance. The shape and dimension of the earth termination system is more important a specific value of the earth electrode. The use of counterpoise or "crow's foot" radial techniques can lower impedance as they allow lightning energy to diverge as each buried conductor shares voltage gradients. Ground rings around structures are useful. They should be connected to the facility ground. Exothermic (welded) connectors are recommended in all circumstances.


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Not sure that the... "camera on the pole" is a great idea, lol :nuts:

Yeah i agree. I'm actually shocked the utility company hasn't removed it. Im sure of one thing tho when they do come to do work on there it will be removed violently. You may be required to have a pole on your property BUT I'm betting you did not have to pay for that pole to be installed, and that the utility company installed therefor its their pole and property.

Its definitely a area I would not be playing around with
Nice setup! Question about the one on the utility pole. How did you get permission for that the companies in my area always say no and its actually illegal to do that without them giving written permission?
Yeah i agree. I'm actually shocked the utility company hasn't removed it. Im sure of one thing tho when they do come to do work on there it will be removed violently. You may be required to have a pole on your property BUT I'm betting you did not have to pay for that pole to be installed, and that the utility company installed therefor its their pole and property.

Its definitely a area I would not be playing around with

So, the Pole is actually my property and I did also have to pay to have it installed, the only part that belongs to the utility company is the power-meter-thingy (I have no Idea of the correct term for that in English, sorry)
Besides the monthly reading that they do, there isn't any maintenance, the camera has been there for around 10 months now. Haven't heard a thing about it.

Looks nice and not easy to find out.
Thank you Michael!

lingnau nice setup - which cameras are which? 2.8mm v 4mm?
The Garage and Pool cameras use 2.8mm lens.
The Backyard and Front Lawn are 4mm (The DS-2CD2232-I5 also has a much stronger IR than the other cameras)

Nice setup! Question about the one on the utility pole. How did you get permission for that the companies in my area always say no and its actually illegal to do that without them giving written permission?
It's Brazil, what permission? :D
It could also be that it's illegal here, but It's easier to install it and to find out than asking.