Its a 12v thats been bored out to 3L, its been ported/polished and had the whole 9 yards.. it put down 422hp @ 18lbs on the Dyno but Ive seen it reach as high as 28lbs when it started sheering bolts off my motor mounts

Need to find a R32 or audi to slap this thing into because its damn near suicidal in FWD Golf.
Here in Colorado only have emissions in metro area and they are just now checking for readyness, wont care if its tuned and I can fake readyness easy enough.. I also have remote property I can start registering vehicles out of that wont have any emissions because its only mandatory for the Metro.. Rural Colorado has no emissions.
Most hacks I do to these are minimal connivence features, mebe hack is too harsh of a word.. like disabling seat belt chimes, unlocking video in motion, unlocking ripping CD's to the HDD, disabling chirp when car is locked/armed, recoding to enable european features like flashing lights when emergency breaking, rear fog lights, etc.. I'll be able to set the ride height to whatever I desire with a lil tweaking.. Other than a Retune I wont be doing anything too dramatic to this one, might try to hack the rear-dashcam to display on the dash when driving so I can check on the trailer.
This is not my first high end vehicle.. last time I had a mid-mid life crisis I got me one of these beasts:
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Audi RS6 BiTurbo V8 450AWHP