Need help with Dahua Doorbell


Oct 6, 2021
Baton Rouge, LA
I installed the Dahua Doorbell (DHI-DB11) about a week ago to replace a Ring Doorbell that quit connecting to my WiFi router. I used the existing wiring for the doorbell on my house, and I was able to get the indoor chime to work after selecting “mechanical” in the DMSS app. In addition to the DMSS app, I also imported it into DSS Express running on my home server.

My existing doorbell offers a “Ding Dong” sound, which is still heard when the doorbell is activated; however, every now and then I hear a “Ding”, and I cant figure out how to get it to stop happening. The “Ding” happened several times the day I installed the doorbell, like every 20 minutes or so. After some troubleshooting, it appeared as though the “Ding” was happening when motion was detected (as if it were a notification of sorts). The “Ding” stopped after I deactivated motion events in DSS Express, or so I thought. I did not hear it again that day, but it has happened at least once a day since.

Additional information that may help -
  • The doorbell has been updated to the latest version within the app.
  • I have not reactivated the doorbell in DSS Express.
  • I never had this type of problem with the Ring Doorbell.
  • The Ring stopped connecting to my internet, but the doorbell itself continued to work as expected.
I assume this user error, but I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. There are not a lot of settings for this camera in the DMSS app, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. What is causing this issue?