Need help with Settings


Young grasshopper
Jun 14, 2017
Reaction score
Hi, I recently installed a new Hikvision DS-2CD2686G2-IZSU/SL wow, that is long.

Anyway, I am very happy with the daytime images, but not so much with the night. I think it is just a matter of getting the right settings, so I was hoping members could advise what could be wrong
with my current ones.

I have attached a PDF file showing the current settings along along with Day and Night images.

The night images seem to have this film grain effect, almost like the protective cover that came with the camera had over the lens (which it doesn't). I mainly got the CCTV as I wanted to pick up number plates which it does OK, but not so much for humans. The guy in the car is about 10mts from CCTV and the other shot of the guy is about 25mts from CCTV.

I'm hoping the attachments work.

Thanks in advance.


Mike A.

Known around here
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
I don't have one of these cams so no experience trying to tune it specifically but generally just off the top you have brightness set to 73 and contrast at 38. Try reducing the brightness and bringing contrast up. That should make it better as far as the "film" effect. Also, while a little counter intuitive, might also reduce sharpness some. That tends to amplify noise so may help make it a little more clear. Some other things that you might change (CBR vs VBR, etc.) but start with the above and go from there.

Better to post the screen captures here vs in a PDF. Many aren't going to want to download it.


Young grasshopper
Jun 14, 2017
Reaction score
I don't have one of these cams so no experience trying to tune it specifically but generally just off the top you have brightness set to 73 and contrast at 38. Try reducing the brightness and bringing contrast up. That should make it better as far as the "film" effect. Also, while a little counter intuitive, might also reduce sharpness some. That tends to amplify noise so may help make it a little more clear. Some other things that you might change (CBR vs VBR, etc.) but start with the above and go from there.

Better to post the screen captures here vs in a PDF. Many aren't going to want to download it.
OK, thank you for replying. I was thinking of doing just that, but there are about 9 images in the file and thought it might be very cluttered, so thought I would combine them. I do take your point though about people not wanting to download links, guess its the way of the world these days. Thanks