Hey guys. Figured I would share a recent experience related to this thread for others who may see the same thing. I recently purchased a Hikvision DS-7616NI-E2 NVR and had the same problem where somehow in the config it seems the NVR adopts the sub-channel resolution for the main channel just like the images you attached. I had upgraded to 3.3.4 build 150811 when I first noticed it happening. The fix for me was resetting both the NVR and Camera to factory defaults. In case anyone else experiences this, when I switched the camera with a completely different model (ds-2cd3t45-i5) in that port, the problem persisted in the config on the NVR with the new camera and then both the new and old camera's had the issue. The camera in question in my case is the ds-2cd2335-i with version 5.3.3 build 150803. All is well after the factory resets but the combination of the NVR software and the hacked firmware seem glitchy.