New BI setup, looking for recommendations..


Young grasshopper
Nov 2, 2023
Spent the last few months reading through the forum, decided to finally take the dive transitioning my system over from a Lorex NVR to BI but I'd like some recommendations from people who are more familiar than I am. Needing to upgrade my system as we've had a few break in's in our neighborhood (Not my home) over the last year and I dont want to be next.

Goals: 10-14 cameras (I have no preference for resolution as I've learned it's more about the sensor/focal length than MP). Might add in 1 or 2 Wireless cameras. Would like for it to record for at least a 7 day period (up to 14 days). Would even like to add in some form of AI like face detection or license plate reading for cars driving by if possible (camera is roughly 25 feet from the street).

Setup: 12 camera's (all hardwired via Cat 6). I believe I've narrowed down the computer (Refurb prodesk- i7 9700, 32gb, 256 SSD, 12TB WD Purple)

Network switches: What do you recommend?

Camera's: Empiretech seems to be highly recommended so will go with them- Unsure of which specific models yet but open to suggestions here.

Anything else you recommend? I'm trying to make this future proof so I dont need to keep upgrading every few years...


Read the cliff notes. Start slow, build your system as you go and you will have a better understanding of what works well for your situation. I am a big fan of BI and Empiretech, I came here wanting HIK and a NVR and changed my thinking after lots of reading and questions. Everyone here is very helpful.

I would look closely at the Dahua 5442 (Empiretech version), it is kind of the Swiss Army Knife of ipcams. I have six cams in use, four record 24/7 and I get about three weeks with a WD Purple 4TB so you should be good to get more with 12 TB and your planned cams.

Netgear is one brand of switch to consider. I went with Zyxel which has served me well.
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Network switches: What do you recommend?
Which ever switch you end up with just make sure it supplies more wattage than the total wattage required by your cameras, as it's the switch providing the power. I can't recall the watts used by the 5442 series of cameras, I have 13 of them, and my Ubiquiti 250W 24 port switch does the job, and hasn't missed a beat in three years. I'm not suggesting that the Ubiquiti switch is the best out there, I went that route because I'm in the Ubiquiti eco system (router, access points, software).
Because my 15 cameras are scattered across 4 buildings, I‘m using 5 TP-Link TL-SG108PE, 8 Port Gigabit PoE Switches. They’ve been very reliable, and will support VLANs if I ever get around to setting that up.