Known around here
WiFi simply isn't designed for the constant, high bandwidth, load of surveillance cameras.
This!WiFi simply isn't designed for the constant, high bandwidth, load of surveillance cameras.
take some preliminary pictures of the beginning, end, trouble areas of pulling a wire. There are wire pullers here (like myself) that may be able to make some magical suggestions!I know there's a way. I'm really hating drilling into anything and my attic is tight. I'm 6'4"and close to 300 lbs. I physically can't do it and can only imagine what it would cost for a professional to run it.
If there is a will, there is always a way.ah, I was thinking of where you'd use a wifi P2P link to a cluster, with poe to several actual cameras at the remote end, rather than wifi to each individual camera.
I'd love to have a camera or two out near the end of my driveway but I have no way to get power or wire out there, so they'd have to be solar, which is a whole other can of worms, considering the number of tall trees lining said driveway. Well, never say never, but it would involve 200+ feet of trenching my driveway and parking area asphalt.