OK, THIS is weird.
Wandering around the house tonight I thought I'd apply my same method of testing that I've been using on my new install at the office.
Walk into the frame of a camera, hold up fingers count up from 1.
All cameras behave as normal here at home, never miss motion, including pre-frames, like they have been doing for a long time. EXCEPT.... the camera in the garage.
It behaves exactly like the problem cameras at the office, step into the frame count fingers, check the recording, it starts at 6 fingers, not 1
And guess what type of camera it is?
Yup, my only in-use Top-201. My other 2 are in a drawer waiting for some cabling to get done.
OK so now I can blame the cameras, and thinking back, the odd time I've looked at a motion event from the 201 it hasn't always been 100%.
But, what would actually cause this? Watching the 201s live, they stream just fine, no cut-outs, but BI drops several seconds of motion.
Will confirm this tomorrow, I'll take 2 Hik 2032s to the office and test 'em in place of the 201s.