New on NVR moving from raspberry pi AgentDVR to Dahua NVR


Jan 17, 2024
I'm rebuilding my cams system, I have 3 old Foscam ip cam (FI9816P) and one more recent ip cam IMOU CRUISER SE+4MP.
I have been using raspberry pi with AgentDVR to monitor the 4 cams, it has been working fine, but usually video was not fluid.

So I decided to give it a go on with Dahua NVR (NVR2108HS-I2) to improve the solution and quality of the recordings.
I have been able to register all cams and is working fine for recording on all cams, but not so good on SMD or IVS for foscam cams.

The special scenario I have is that I have 2 networks at home, the cams are in one network ( and the NVR is in another one (
I have configure the router to allow transit among those 2 networks and it seems to be working fine.

Have you guys had any similar scenario?, specifically I cannot activate SMD for any Foscam, the same goes for IVS
So I decided to give it a go on with Dahua NVR (NVR2108HS-I2) to improve the solution and quality of the recordings.
I have been able to register all cams and is working fine for recording on all cams, but not so good on SMD or IVS for foscam cams.

Have you guys had any similar scenario?, specifically I cannot activate SMD for any Foscam, the same goes for IVS

SMD/IVS in Dahua NVR's normally work only with Dahua (or Dahua rebrand) cams. And it must be supported by cam.

You have low line AI NVR. It can do SMD AI for 4 Channels on NVR. Even when you have dumb cam.

Simply in AI / parameters / SMD page on NVR, enable SMD for that channel, enable human/car filtering and choose run on NVR (not on cam) option. It should works...

For IVS You need higher NVR model - this one supports IVS processed on NVR only for one chanel.
Thanks Steve,

When I try to activate SMD on any foscam the system throws the error "Operation failed" and do not allow me to turn it on, I have it enabled for IMOU and it works
Bummer :confused:, so no solution to log motion detection on foscams, I have them configured in their own app sending emails on motion detection, but I wanted to have one single place to look.
Thanks Steve,

I'm only seeing only one option called "AI by Recorder",
On Channel 1 I have IMOU and it works fine, on Channel 6 I have a Foscam and when I try to enable it, it shows the error "Operation Failed"

Thanks Steve,

I'm only seeing only one option called "AI by Recorder",
On Channel 1 I have IMOU and it works fine, on Channel 6 I have a Foscam and when I try to enable it, it shows the error "Operation Failed"

disable IVS on all channels and delete all ivs rules. Try one more time with SMD

is this camera added by private protocol (Dahua rebrand) or ONVIF?
Perhaps one of the reason why many choose to go with a Blue Iris system. That is, to avoid being locked into a particular brand of camera and/or NVR. BI seems to be much more flexible as you grow or modify your camera system. Perhaps not a big help but if you are looking to upgrade and spend more money then maybe worth considering.