New User Questions


Nov 28, 2015
Reaction score

I'm evaluating BI and I have a few questions.


I've set-up my cameras to record when they're triggered. I've masked out areas so it will only trigger on the area I want it to monitor. It works great, however once it triggers I get the alert on the alert list but it also seems to continually record from that moment on too. I thought it may only record the thing that triggered it and then stop after a short period, or am I misunderstanding how this works?

Clips & Archiving

The help file doesn't cover the Clips and Archiving section in options. I suspect I've understood it correctly, but I want to confirm.
In the folders section you have the 'Select to edit' with options "New", "Stored", and "Alerts".
Below the folder definition you then have limit options followed by Delete, Recycle and Move to folder.

Clips that are freshly recorded go in the "New" folder
When the clip is older than X days (5 in my case) the options below determine what happens to it? Mine it set to "Move to Folder - Stored" so I assume it will move the clip to the other folder set-up for "Stored" clips. After this it will then follow the rules as set under the "Stored" drop down?

Why can't I change the archive options for Alerts? If I go on holiday for 14 days, I assume I need to keep all the Alerts on my local drive (I'll use a NAS for archive) for 20 days (for example)

It seems like great software.



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Welcome to the forum. If you have set recording to "when triggered" then the recording will stop after the time you have set in the "end trigger"/break time section of the motion tab. Does the camera screen indicate its recording?
Yes you have the clips and archiving figured out correctly.
The alerts folder is only for hi resolution alert images if you have it selected in the record tab. You dont really need them - i dont save any. Blue iris stores a low res image of the alert and you have the video. I am not sure why there is no option to move them. You can email support and ask.