No Signal with Foscam FI9804W


Jul 6, 2014
After spending the majority of yesterday on this, I'm giving up and asking for help--I can't for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong!

Setting up new Foscam camera and trying to integrate it into Blue Iris. The Foscam set up went fairly smoothly, easily found the camera using the Foscam IP Camera tool and have live video stream through the LAN on the IP:port, but can't get it to show up in Blue Iris. I have No signal error saying HTTP: 12002 Timeout.

On Foscam have system firmware and running Blue Iris 4 (as of today--same issue on BI3). Running Windows 8.1.

The Foscam network settings are as follows:
IP config: Obtain from DHCP checked
DDNS enabled
UPnP enabled
Port settings are 88, 443 and 888 for http, https and ONVIF respectively

On the Blue Iris Network configuration tab I have the following:
IP host same: same IP address I'm using to access over LAN
http port: 88
Media/Video/RTSP port: I've tried 554 (default) and 888 (ONVIF) and neither seems to work; not sure which I should be using
Attempt auto-configure on HTTP, RTSO and port: 8999 (also tried 888 here--not sure which I should be using)

I select the make and model associated with my camera (Foscam FI9802/3/4/5/18/20/21/26/28/31 V2)
When I run 'Inspect Now" I get the following"
Opening port 88...
HTTP request...
Opening port 8999
No response
Checking for common cameras...
Foscam FI86xx/FI98xx compatible?
Foscam FI89xx compatible?
Foscam FI9821 V2 compatible?
Foscam FI9821 media port compatible?
RTSP port open?
RTSP port detected!

It then reverts to a different camera make and model (RTSP H.264/MJPG/MEPG4).

Apologies for the long post. I'm not very network savvy, so I'm not sure which part is critical. That said, I've managed to set up a whole bunch of these and never had this much trouble. Any help would be very appreciated!
@Pine...dont use the inspect button...set the camera manually from the drop down...
If it still doesnt work, try putting in your http port in the rtsp slot...(88 in your case)
@Pine...dont use the inspect button...set the camera manually from the drop down...
If it still doesnt work, try putting in your http port in the rtsp slot...(88 in your case)

Thanks so much for the suggestion. Unfortunately, no luck. So frustrating--I feel like I've tried every possible combination at this point searching for anything that will work. If there are any other thoughts, they would be very appreciated.
Thanks so much for the suggestion. Unfortunately, no luck. So frustrating--I feel like I've tried every possible combination at this point searching for anything that will work. If there are any other thoughts, they would be very appreciated.
you can try setting it to the generic rtsp stream and using the stream as indicated in the user manual...
you can try setting it to the generic rtsp stream and using the stream as indicated in the user manual...

Thanks, will try this. I did try to use generic stream at one point, but it was probably a half hearted attempt, and not done very methodically.
I am seeing similar behavior to the OP.

I am trying to connect a Foscam FI9831W to Blue Iris (3.x) and get the "No Signal" display.

PC is a Dell I5 running win8.1.

Camera is a fixed IP ( [PC is] both are directly wired to a netgear switch) and works fine with Foscam's IP Camera Tool and in Firefox (with Foscam's plug in installed).

I have played around with the various setting for resolution matching the web interface settings to those available from BI's dropdown (Foscam 98xx H264).