Noob IPCAM Installer Needs Help!

I guess I have a defective cam since there was never any IR lamp activity when powered up in a poorly lit closet.

Okay, many good suggestions, I will diagnose when I’m home next Tuesday. Thanks to all of you for chiming in!

The camera is not defective, it is user error. Start from the beginning again, using a short premade cable
The default IP address of the camera is a static That means if you plug it into a router that runs a DHCP server in the 10.x subnet, none of the computer on your network will be able to connect to the camera. You have to change your router's setting to make it operate in the 192.168.1.x subnet, connect the camera to the router, open your browser and connect to, login to the camera and change the network setting. You can either change it to DHCP mode and let the router assign an IP address to the camera (the easy way), or you can keep it in the static IP mode and manually assign it an IP in your desirable subnet along with gateway and DNS server. Remember to save the setting. Now, log back to the router and change it back to the 10.x subnet. Afterward, restart the router, restart the computer, and restart the camera in that order. If your chose to manually assigned your camera an IP, your can now connect to that IP from your browser. If you chose DHCP, you need to login to the router and find out the IP address of your camera.
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Very good point about the router needing to be changed. I may have overlooked that. Btw: my Windows 10 was using NAT and I changed that subnet to that of the camera... but that didn’t work. I’ll follow your advice when I’m home on Tuesday. Thanks for the well-written advice @Pneuma

There's no need to change router settings.. just make sure the cam and pc are on the same switch/router, and the same ip range and subnet. If the cams boots you should be able to find it with the config tool/smart pss. If it still has the default ip ( then just use a browser.
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There's no need to change router settings.. just make sure the cam and pc are on the same switch/router, and the same ip range and subnet. If the cams boots you should be able to find it with the config tool/smart pss. If it still has the default ip ( then just use a browser.

I cannot agree more on this comment, without a complete network topology diagram from Robert, we can guess whatever we want. As Robert wrote in his first post that SmartPSS did find the camera the first time, I suspect user-error what happened afterwards. Nothing else is needed on Router/gateway/dns.

Good luck on Tuesday!
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