Noob needs some recommendation


Known around here
Jul 30, 2020
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If you refer to the steel screw piles, they are common because they resist to any weather, they can hold any weight and will last forever.
They are also used a lot in home building now, due to their strengths.
The aesthetics may not be appealing for a deck, but decks in general have not a great 'design' here, so who cares, we are not talking about a luxury car :)
I have just never seen that method used before.


Getting the hang of it
May 18, 2023
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Cameras aside, those are the weirdest deck piers I have ever seen. Is that normal in Geese Land?
If cameras are useless, why even install them...

You are correct, they are for after the fact to give police video and picture evidence.

What about going from ground level up and run cable behind downspouts?

My neighbor has cameras on his fence (corner lot) on the top of the fence 4 feet high and literally two feet from the public sidewalk. They have never been touched, but have got great pics of perps.

But what do we know LOL

Or maybe the perps are more sophisticated in Canada than the USA (sarcastically but probably true LOL) :lmao:
Just for deterrence, but lucky for us, there is not much criminality where I live, it is more for us to take a peek while traveling, sometimes we stay away long time.
Never been a fun of installing Ethernet cables outside, ice and snow are really bad and even if they are designed for that, I still prefer to have indoor cabling.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Test spots .. see if you get what you need from different locations.

Try out the red 2nd story soffit area .. vs the lower blue zone.

Try to see if you can setup a extra high test rig to reach the upper area .. perhaps a few 2x4 x10 foot sections can help here and a heavy base / bucket with cement / rocks to give your self a stable base to work with. Search for test rig here to see what others have done for up to 10 feet up ..

One possible approach is to run conduit down by the water drain on the corner to a junction box for a camera or 2 ..

Paint the conduit white to match the trim and it should look ok.